selected publications academic article Lambert, D. M., Larson, J. A., Roberts, R. K., English, B. C., Zhou, X. V., Falconer, L. L., ... Reeves, J. M. (2017). "Resistance is futile": estimating the costs of managing herbicide resistance as a first-order Markov process and the case of US upland cotton producers. 48(3), 387-396. Zhou, X. V., Roberts, R. K., Larson, J. A., Lambert, D. M., English, B. C., Mishra, A. K., ... Reeves, J. M. (2016). Differences in Glyphosate-Resistant Weed Management Practices over Time and Regions. Weed Technology. 30(1), 1-12. Zhou, X. V., Larson, J. A., Lambert, D. M., Roberts, R. K., English, B. C., Bryant, K. J., ... Reeves, J. M. (2015). Farmer experience with weed resistance to herbicides in cotton production. AgBioForum. 18(1), 114-125. O'Neill, B., Porter, N. M., Pankow, D., Schuchardt, J., & Johnson, J. (2010). Online Investment Education: Listening to Learners to Develop an Effective Financial Literacy Program for Farm Households. Financial Counseling and Planning. 21(1), 25-42. Bennett, B. K., Johnson, J. L., & Parker, R. (2009). Educating limited acreage producers using web-based technology. Journal of Extension. 47(6), Ban Banerjee, S., Martin, S. W., Roberts, R. K., Larson, J. A., Hogan, R. J., Johnson, J. L., Paxton, K. W., & Reeves, J. M. (2009). Adoption of conservation-tillage practices and herbicide-resistant seed in cotton production. AgBioForum. 12(3-4), 258-268. Conrad, C. F., Johnson, J., & Gupta, D. M. (2007). Teaching-for-Learning (TFL): A Model for Faculty to Advance Student Learning. Innovative Higher Education. 32(3), 153-165. Arabiyat, T. S., Segarra, E., & Johnson, J. L. (2001). Technology adoption in agriculture: implications for ground water conservation in the Texas high plains. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 32(2), 147-156. Johnson, J. L., Johnson, P., Willis, D., Segarra, E., Ethridge, D., Lacewell, R., Ellis, J., & Amosson, S (2001). Estimating the Potential to Reduce Agricultural Irrigation Water Demand in West Central Texas. Texas Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources. 14, 133-143. Elmer, N. A., Thurow, A. P., Johnson, J. L., & Rosson III, C. P (2001). Investments in Texas Grapefruit. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics. 33(3), 391-401. conference paper Johnson, J. L., & Reinhart, G. D. (2005). Dynamic changes spanning the subunit interface of E. coli carbamoyl phosphate synthetase. Biophysical Journal. 555A-555A. Johnson, J. L., Lovingshimer, M. R., & Reinhart, G. D. (2004). Do allosteric perturbations alter specificity?. Biophysical Journal. 91A-91A. Johnson, J. L., & Reinhart, G. D. (2004). Resolving the fluorescence response of E. coli carbamoyl phosphate synthetase. Biophysical Journal. 156A-156A. Johnson, J. L., & Reinhart, G. D. (2003). Analyses of single tryptophan variants of E. coli carbamoyl phosphate synthetase. Biophysical Journal. 169A-169A. Johnson, J. L., & Reinhart, G. D. (2002). Inhibition of E. coli carbomyl phosphate synthetase by pyrimidine nucleotides. Biophysical Journal. 329A-329A. Johnson, J. L., & Reinhart, G. D. (2000). Stabilization of E. coli phosphofructokinase via newly introduced intersubunit disulfide bonds. Biophysical Journal. 424A-424A. Johnson, J. L., & Bennett, B. K (2000). Using moving averages as a cotton pricing tool. 313-315. Lasagna, M. D., Johnson, J. L., & Reinhart, G. D. (1999). Manipulation and isolation of hybrid tetramers of E-coli PFK of defined subunit composition. Biophysical Journal. A170-A170. Johnson, J. L., Lasagna, M. D., & Reinhart, G. D. (1998). Formation of E-coli phosphofructokinase tetramers of mixed subunit composition. Biophysical Journal. A365-A365. Becker, W. A., Behe, B. K., Johnson, J. L., Townsend, C. D., & Litzenberg, K. K. (1997). Consumer perceptions of service quality in the Texas retail floral industry. Hortscience. 318-323.
education and training B.S. in Agricultural Economics, Texas Tech University - (Amarillo, Texas, United States) M.S. in Agricultural Economics, Louisiana State University - (Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States) Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics, Texas Tech University - (Amarillo, Texas, United States)