Wave Height Distributions Off Qatarâ s Coast: Supplementing QMDâ s Products Grant uri icon


  • Two buoys have been installed by the Qatar Meteorological Department (QMD) in the coastal waters around Qatar to obtain measurements of wave heights. These provide operational information about the sea-state to many users such as the coast guard, fishermen, and oil and gas vessels, as well as archived data that can be used for applications such as port development. The data reported by QMD consists of half-hourly â significant wave heightâ which is a specific type of â averageâ used as a â representativeâ sea-state. The average obviously does not inform users about the larger or maximum wave heights which can cause damage (e.g. a fishing vessel capsized during the events of April 1st 2015 sandstorm). This project will analyze the raw buoy data and establish relationships between the larger wave heights and the reported (SWHs). The relationships can also supplement QMDâ s SWH â forecastsâ .

date/time interval

  • 2017