Measurement of the rate coefficient of the reaction CH+O-2->products in the temperature range 2200 to 2600 K
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The rate coefficient of the reaction CH + O2 products was determined by measuring CH-radical concentration profiles in shock-heated 100-150 ppm ethane/1000 ppm O2 mixtures in Ar using cw, narrow-linewidth laser absorption at 431.131 nm. Comparing the measured CH concentration profiles to ones calculated using a detailed kinetics model, yielded the following average value for the rate coefficient independent of temperature over the range 2200-2600 K: CH+O2 = 10(13.990.12)cm3 mol-1 s-1 The experimental conditions were chosen such that the calculated profiles were sensitive mainly to the reactions CH + O2 products and CH3 + M CH + H2 + M. For the methyl decomposition reaction channel, the following rate-coefficient expression provided the best fit of the measured CH profiles: kCH3+MCH+H2+M = 10(16.00 0.12) exp(-42900 K/T] cm3 mol-1 s-1 Additionally, the rate coefficient of the reaction CH2 + H CH + H2 was determined indirectly in the same system: kCH2+H = 10l4.l5(+02,-0.6) cm3 mol-1 s-1 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.