The time dependent behavior of active composite beams
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Active Composite materials usually are used in a stacked or bimorph form[AP1]. One of the most popular models to predict the behavior of active structures in this type is a multilayer beam. Experiments show that material properties of piezoelectric components are highly time dependent especially when in dealing with high electric field inputs. This time dependency causes hysteresis response in the application of these materials that reduces the accuracy of control technique if done by disregarding history of input. In this paper the deflection and stress analysis of active composite beams has been performed by taking into account the history of loading and rate dependent response of material. Due to analogy with the creep problem the electro mechanical constitutive equation has been presented as convolution integral equation. Furthermore, piezoelectric materials can be used for sensing application within composite beams. The application of piezoelectric materials in sensing applications has been investigated using coupled time dependent constitutive equations. The solution procedure is presented for different beam theories. [AP2]The result from this [AP3]model has been compared with at hand [AP4]experiments and other numerical methods.
27th Annual Technical Conference of the American Society for Composites 2012, Held Jointly with 15th Joint US-Japan Conference on Composite Materials and ASTM-D30 Meeting