Designing the electric transport characteristics of ZnO micro/nanowire devices by coupling piezoelectric and photoexcitation effects. uri icon


  • The localized coupling between piezoelectric and photoexcitation effects of a ZnO micro/nanowire device has been studied for the first time with the goal of designing and controlling the electrical transport characteristics of the device. The piezoelectric effect tends to raise the height of the local Schottky barrier (SB) at the metal-ZnO contact, while photoexcitation using a light that has energy higher than the band gap of ZnO lowers the SB height. By tuning the relative contributions of the effects from piezoelectricity via strain and photoexcitation via light intensity, the local contact can be tuned step-by-step and/or transformed from Schottky to Ohmic or from Ohmic to Schottky. This study describes a new principle for controlling the coupling among mechanical, photonic, and electrical properties of ZnO nanowires, which could be potentially useful for fabricating piezo-phototronic devices.

published proceedings

  • ACS Nano

altmetric score

  • 3

author list (cited authors)

  • Hu, Y., Chang, Y., Fei, P., Snyder, R. L., & Wang, Z. L.

citation count

  • 187

complete list of authors

  • Hu, Youfan||Chang, Yanling||Fei, Peng||Snyder, Robert L||Wang, Zhong Lin

publication date

  • February 2010