selected publications academic article Hudson, V. M., & Hodgson, K. B. (2022). Sex and Terror: Is the Subordination of Women Associated with the Use of Terror?. Terrorism and Political Violence. 34(3), 605-632. Hudson, V. M., & Matfess, H. (2021). Special Issue: Gender, Sex, and Political Violence Response. Conflict Management and Peace Science. 38(2), 147-153. Hudson, V. M. (2018). Trust the Women as I Have Done: An American's Reflections on Australia and WPS. Security Challenges. 14(2), 49-51. Hudson, V. M., & Matfess, H. (2017). In Plain Sight The Neglected Linkage between Brideprice and Violent Conflict. International Security. 42(1), 7-40. Brummer, K., & Hudson, V. M. (2017). The Boundedness of Foreign Policy Analysis Theory?. Global Society. 31(2), 157-166. Boer, A. D., & Hudson, V. (2017). Patrilineality, Son Preference, and Sex Selection in South Korea and Vietnam. POPULATION AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW. 43(1), 119-147. Bowen, D. L., Hudson, V. M., & Nielsen, P. L. (2015). State Fragility and Structural Gender Inequality in Family Law: An Empirical Investigation. 4(4), 654-654. Hudson, V. M., Bowen, D. L., & Nielsen, P. L. (2015). Clan Governance and State Stability: The Relationship between Female Subordination and Political Order. 109(3), 535-555. Visca, A., Bishop, C. T., Hilton, S., & Hudson, V. M. (2015). Oral reduced L-glutathione improves growth in pediatric cystic fibrosis patients. JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC GASTROENTEROLOGY AND NUTRITION. 60(6), 802-810. Hudson, V. M., Leidl, P., & Mathews, J. T. (2015). Does foreign sexism threaten us?: An exchange. The New York review of books. 62(17), Hudson, V. M. (2013). Rethinking Foreign Policy Analysis: States, Leaders, and the Microfoundations of Behavioral International Relations. Perspectives on Politics. 11(1), 355-357. Hudson, V. M. (2011). But Now Can See: One Academic's Journey to Feminist Security Studies. Politics and Gender. 7(4), 586-590. Hudson, V. M., Bowen, D. L., & Nielsen, P. L. (2011). What Is the Relationship between Inequity in Family Law and Violence against Women? Approaching the Issue of Legal Enclaves. Politics and Gender. 7(4), 453-492. Hudson, V. M. (2010). Sex, War, and Peace: Rank, and Winter on Rank. POLITICAL PSYCHOLOGY. 31(1), 33-39. Bloom, M., Thayer, B. A., & Hudson, V. M. (2010). Life Sciences and Islamic Suicide Terrorism. International Security. 35(3), 185-192. Thayer, B. A., & Hudson, V. M. (2010). Sex and the Shaheed: Insights from the Life Sciences on Islamic Suicide Terrorism. International Security. 34(4), 37-62. Caprioli, M., Hudson, V. M., Mcdermott, R., Ballif-Spanvill, B., Emmett, C. F., & Stearmer, S. M. (2009). The WomanStats Project Database: Advancing an Empirical Research Agenda. Journal of Peace Research. 46(6), 839-851. Hudson, V. M., Caprioli, M., Ballif-Spanvill, B., McDermott, R., & Emmett, C. F. (2009). The Heart of the Matter: The Security of Women and the Security of States. International Security. 33(3), 7-45. Visca, A., Bishop, C. T., Hilton, S. C., & Hudson, V. M. (2008). Improvement in clinical markers in CF patients using a reduced glutathione regimen: an uncontrolled, observational study. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. 7(5), 433-436. Hudson, V. M. (2007). Differing compartments of intracellular glutathione have differing levels of glutathione in cystic fibrosis. 68(4), 919-920. Hudson, V. M. (2006). Patronizing patriarchs [8]. Foreign Policy. 13-14. Bishop, C., Hudson, V. M., Hilton, S. C., & Wilde, C. (2005). A pilot study of the effect of inhaled buffered reduced glutathione on the clinical status of patients with cystic fibrosis. Chest. 127(1), 308-317. Hudson, V. M. (2004). New insights into the pathogenesis of cystic fibrosis: pivotal role of glutathione system dysfunction and implications for therapy. Treatments in Respiratory Medicine. 3(6), 353-363. Hudson, V. M., & Boer, A. D. (2002). A Surplus of Men, A Deficit of Peace: Security and Sex Ratios in Asia's Largest States. International Security. 26(4), 5-38. Hudson, V. M. (2001). Rethinking cystic fibrosis pathology: the critical role of abnormal reduced glutathione (GSH) transport caused by CFTR mutation. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 30(12), 1440-1461. Hudson, V. M. (1999). Cultural expectations of one's own and other nations' foreign policy action templates. POLITICAL PSYCHOLOGY. 20(4), 767-784. Hudson, V. M., & Vore, C. S. (1995). Foreign policy analysis yesterday, today, and tomorrow. International Studies Review. 39(2), 209-238. Hyer, E., & Hudson, V. M. (1992). Homer Lea and the Chinese Contras: The Chinese Imperial Reform Army in America, 1901-1911. Chinese Studies in History. 26(1), 63-85. Ford, R. E., & Hudson, V. M. (1992). The USA and Latin America at the end of the Columbian age: How America cut the Atlantic apron strings in 1992. Third World Quarterly. 13(3), 441-462. Hudson, V. M., Ford, R. E., Pack, D., & Giordano, E. R. (1991). Why the third world matters, why Europe probably won't: The geoeconomics of circumscribed engagement. JOURNAL OF STRATEGIC STUDIES. 14(3), 255-298. Hudson, V. M., Hermann, C. F., & Singer, E. (1989). The Situational Imperative: A Predictive Model of Foreign Policy Behavior. Cooperation and Conflict: Nordic journal of international studies. 24(3), 117-139. Hudson, V. M., & Hyer, E. (1989). Homer Lea's geopolitical theory: Valor or ignorance?. JOURNAL OF STRATEGIC STUDIES. 12(3), 324-348. book Hudson, V. M., & Leidl, P. (2015). The Hillary Doctrine Sex and American Foreign Policy. Columbia University Press. Hudson, V., Ballif-Spanvill, B., Capriolo, M., & Emmett, C. (2012). Sex and World Peace. Columbia University Press. Hudson, V. M. (2007). Foreign Policy Analysis Classic and Contemporary Theory. Rowman & Littlefield. Hudson, V. M., & Boer, A. (2005). Bare Branches The Security Implications of Asia's Surplus Male Population. MIT Press (MA). chapter Hudson, V. M., & Eason, L. (2019). The Challenge of Foreign Policy in the WPS Agenda. Davies, S. E., & True, J. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Women, Peace, and Security. (pp. 778-791). Oxford University Press. Hudson, V. M. (2018). The deep structure of collective security: Thoughts on McDermott, Smuts, and Sanday. The Evils of Polygyny: Evidence of Its Harm to Women, Men, and Society. (pp. 147-163). Hudson, V. M. (2015). Womens Status and National and International Security. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. (pp. 638-643). Elsevier. Hudson, V. M., & den Boer, A. M. (2012). A Feminist Evolutionary Analysis of the Relationship Between Violence Against and Inequitable Treatment of Women, and Conflict Within and Between Human Collectives, Including Nation-States. The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Perspectives on Violence, Homicide, and War. (pp. 301-323). Oxford University Press (OUP). webpage Williams, C., Blanchard, E. J., Painter, R., & Hudson, V. (2016). Four quotes from the first Clinton-Trump debate, explained Hudson, V., Gillespie, A., & O'Brien, E. (2016). Three female scholars react to Hillary Clinton's historic nomination
editor of book Brummer, K., & Hudson, V. M. (2015). Foreign Policy Analysis Beyond North America Hudson, V. M. (Eds.), (2004). Wielding the Sword While Proclaiming Peace : Views from the LDS Community on Reconciling the Demands of National Security with the Imperatives of Revealed Truth Hudson, V. M., & Katchner, K. M. (Eds.), David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies. Hudson, V. M. (1997). Culture and Foreign Policy Hudson, V. M. (Eds.), Lynne Rienner Pub. (1995). Moral Perspectives on U.S. Security Policy: Views from the Lds Community Hudson, V. M., & Kartchner, K. (Eds.), David M. Kennedy Center for International and Area Studies. Skidmore, D., & Hudson, V. M. (1993). The Limits of state autonomy societal groups and foreign policy formulation Hudson, V. M. (Eds.), Westview Pr.
principal investigator on Household Formation Systems, Marriage Markets and Society Stability/Resilence awarded by United States Army - (Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States) 2014 - 2018
teaching activities INTA645 Women & Nations Instructor INTA646 Foreign Policy Analysis Instructor INTA670 Intl Affairs Capstne Sem Instructor INTA685 Directed Studies Instructor INTA689 Sptp: Class Read Feminine Ir Instructor INTA689 Sptp: Feminist Ir/politics Rea Instructor
education and training M.A. in International Relations, Minor in Representation and Modeling, The Ohio State University - (Columbus, Ohio, United States) 1983 Ph.D. in Political Science (International Relations, Modeling), The Ohio State University - (Columbus, Ohio, United States) 1983 B.A. in Political Science (Magna Cum Laude), Minor in Russian, International Relations, Brigham Young University - (Provo, Utah, United States) 1978
awards and honors Traditional Fulbright Scholarship, conferred by Council for International Exchange of Scholars - (Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States), 2016 Bush Excellence Award for Faculty in International Research, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2016 Andrew Carnegie Fellows, conferred by Carnegie Corporation of New York - (New York, New York, United States), 2015 FPA Distinguished Scholar Award, conferred by International Studies Association - (Storrs, Connecticut, United States), 2015
mailing address Texas A&M University International Affairs 4220 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-4220 USA
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