selected publications academicarticle Bartel, F. (2020). From Banks to Bonds Euromoney Magazine and the Transformation of Global Finance in the 1980s. 2(2), 317-334. Etheridge, B. C., Schwartz, T. A., Greene, J. R., Walcher, D., Bartel, F., & Engel, J. A. (2018). A Roundtable on Jeffrey A. Engel, When the World Seemed New: George H.W. Bush and the End of the Cold War. Passport: The Newsletter of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations Review. 49(1), 21-31. BARTEL, F. (2017). Fugitive Leverage: Commercial Banks, Sovereign Debt, and Cold War Crisis in Poland, 19801982. Enterprise and Society: the international journal of business and history. 18(1), 72-107. Bartel, F. (2015). Surviving the Years of Grace: The Atomic Bomb and the Specter of World Government, 1945-1950. Diplomatic History: the journal of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations. 39(2), 275-302. book Bartel, F. (2022). The Triumph of Broken Promises The End of the Cold War and the Rise of Neoliberalism. Harvard University Press. Bartel, M. (2021). Before and After the Fall. Cambridge University Press. chapter Bartel, F. (2022). The Illusions of the United States Great Power Politics after the Cold War. Engeman, D. C., Friedman, M. P., & McAlister, M. (Eds.), The Cambridge History of America and the World: Volume 4, 1945 to the Present. (pp. 537-559). Cambridge University Press. Bartel, F. (2018). The power of omission: The IMF and the democratic transitions in Poland and Hungary. Blumenau, B., Hanhimaki, J. M., & Zanchetta, B. (Eds.), New Perspectives on the End of the Cold War Unexpected Transformations?. Routledge.
teaching activities INTA330 Governing Capitalism Instructor INTA605 American Foreign Policy Instructor INTA689 Sptp: Hist Strat & Amer Stcrft Instructor INTA689 Sptp:hist Strgy & Amer Stacrft Instructor INTA721 Hist Strat & Amer Statecraft Instructor INTS489 Sptp: Political Economy Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in History, Cornell University - (Ithaca, New York, United States) 2017 M.A. in History, Cornell University - (Ithaca, New York, United States) 2014 B.A. in International Relations and History, with high distinction, University of Toronto - (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) 2010
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