selected publications academicarticle Stepanauskas, R., Fergusson, E. A., Brown, J., Poulton, N. J., Tupper, B., Labont, J. M., ... Lubys, A. Author Correction: Improved genome recovery and integrated cell-size analyses of individual uncultured microbial cells and viral particles. Nature Communications. 8(1), 2134. Kieley, C. M., Roelke, D. L., Park, R., Campbell, K. L., Klobusnik, N. H., Walker, J. R., ... Labont, J. M. Concentration of total microcystins associates with nitrate and nitrite, and may disrupt the nitrogen cycle, in warm-monomictic lakes of the southcentral United States. Harmful Algae. 130, 102542-102542. Labont, J. M., & Suttle, C. A. Corrigendum: Metagenomic and whole-genome analysis reveals new lineages of gokushoviruses and biogeographic separation in the sea. Frontiers in Microbiology. 6, 114. Caldern-Gutirrez, F., Labont, J. M., Gonzalez, B. C., Iliffe, T. M., Meja-Ortz, L. M., & Borda, E. Cryptic diversity patterns of subterranean estuaries. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. 291(2034), 20241483. Becraft, E. D., Lau Vetter, M., Bezuidt, O., Brown, J. M., Labont, J. M., Kauneckaite-Griguole, K., ... Stepanauskas, R. Evolutionary stasis of a deep subsurface microbial lineage. The ISME Journal. 15(10), 2830-2842. Bacosa, H. P., Kamalanathan, M., Chiu, M., Tsai, S., Sun, L., Labont, J. M., ... Quigg, A. Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) producing and oil degrading bacteria isolated from the northern Gulf of Mexico. PLoS ONE. 13(12), e0208406-e0208406. Walker, J. R., Woods, A. C., Pierce, M. K., Steichen, J. L., Quigg, A., Kaiser, K., & Labont, J. M. Functionally diverse microbial communities show resilience in response to a record-breaking rain event. ISME Communications. 2(1), 81. Lvesque, C., Duplessis, M., Labont, J., Labrie, S., Fremaux, C., Tremblay, D., & Moineau, S. Genomic organization and molecular analysis of virulent bacteriophage 2972 infecting an exopolysaccharide-producing Streptococcus thermophilus strain. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 71(7), 4057-4068. Yan, G. e., Labonte, J. M., Quigg, A., & Kaiser, K. Hurricanes Accelerate Dissolved Organic Carbon Cycling in Coastal Ecosystems. Frontiers in Marine Science. 7, 248. Yan, G. e., Labont, J., Quigg, A., & Kaiser, K. Hurricanes accelerate dissolved organic carbon cycling in coastal ecosystems Stepanauskas, R., Fergusson, E. A., Brown, J., Poulton, N. J., Tupper, B., Labont, J. M., ... Lubys, A. Improved genome recovery and integrated cell-size analyses of individual uncultured microbial cells and viral particles. Nature Communications. 8(1), 84. Labont, J. M., Lever, M. A., Edwards, K. J., & Orcutt, B. N. Influence of Igneous Basement on Deep Sediment Microbial Diversity on the Eastern Juan de Fuca Ridge Flank. Frontiers in Microbiology. 8(AUG), 1434. Davis, S. N., Klumker, S. M., Mitchell, A. A., Coppage, M. A., Labont, J. M., & Quigg, A. Life in the PFAS lane: The impact of perfluoroalkyl substances on photosynthesis, cellular exudates, nutrient cycling, and composition of a marine microbial community. Science of the Total Environment. 927, 171977-171977. Labont, J. M., & Suttle, C. A. Metagenomic and whole-genome analysis reveals new lineages of gokushoviruses and biogeographic separation in the sea. Frontiers in Microbiology. 4, 404. Goordial, J., D'Angelo, T., Labont, J. M., Poulton, N. J., Brown, J. M., Stepanauskas, R., Frh-Green, G. L., & Orcutt, B. N. Microbial Diversity and Function in Shallow Subsurface Sediment and Oceanic Lithosphere of the Atlantis Massif. mBio. 12(4), e0049021-10.1128/mbio.00421. Steichen, J. L., Labonte, J. M., Windham, R., Hala, D., Kaiser, K., Setta, S., ... Quigg, A. Microbial, Physical, and Chemical Changes in Galveston Bay Following an Extreme Flooding Event, Hurricane Harvey. Frontiers in Marine Science. 7, 186. Roux, S., Adriaenssens, E. M., Dutilh, B. E., Koonin, E. V., Kropinski, A. M., Krupovic, M., ... Eloe-Fadrosh, E. A. Minimum Information about an Uncultivated Virus Genome (MIUViG). Nature Biotechnology. 37(1), 29-37. Deveau, H., Barrangou, R., Garneau, J. E., Labont, J., Fremaux, C., Boyaval, P., ... Moineau, S. Phage response to CRISPR-encoded resistance in Streptococcus thermophilus. Journal of Bacteriology. 190(4), 1390-1400. Labont, J. M., Reid, K. E., & Suttle, C. A. Phylogenetic analysis indicates evolutionary diversity and environmental segregation of marine podovirus DNA polymerase gene sequences. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 75(11), 3634-3640. Bacosa, H. P., Steichen, J., Kamalanathan, M., Windham, R., Lubguban, A., Labont, J. M., ... Quigg, A. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and putative PAH-degrading bacteria in Galveston Bay, TX (USA), following Hurricane Harvey (2017). Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 27(28), 34987-34999. Labont, J. M., & Suttle, C. A. Previously unknown and highly divergent ssDNA viruses populate the oceans. The ISME Journal. 7(11), 2169-2177. Labont, J. M., Hallam, S. J., & Suttle, C. A. Previously unknown evolutionary groups dominate the ssDNA gokushoviruses in oxic and anoxic waters of a coastal marine environment. Frontiers in Microbiology. 6, 315. Woods, A. C., Walker, J. R., Jackson, C. D., & Labont, J. M. Record-Breaking Rain Event Altered Estuarine Viral Assemblages. Microorganisms. 10(4), 729-729. Caldern Gutirrez, F., Iliffe, T. M., Borda, E., Yez Mendoza, G., & Labont, J. Response and resilience of karst subterranean estuary communities to precipitation impacts. Ecology and Evolution. 13(8), e10415. Quigg, A., Claflin, N., Kamalanathan, M., Labont, J. M., & Steichen, J. L. Response of a Phytoplankton Community in a Subtropical Estuary to a Pulse Disturbance Driven by a Combo Hurricane and Extreme Rainfall Event. Estuaries and Coasts. 47(4), 1032-1051. Brown, J. M., Labont, J. M., Brown, J., Record, N. R., Poulton, N. J., Sieracki, M. E., Logares, R., & Stepanauskas, R. Single Cell Genomics Reveals Viruses Consumed by Marine Protists. Frontiers in Microbiology. 11, 524828. Labont, J. M., Pachiadaki, M., Fergusson, E., McNichol, J., Grosche, A., Gulmann, L. K., ... Stepanauskas, R. Single Cell Genomics-Based Analysis of Gene Content and Expression of Prophages in a Diffuse-Flow Deep-Sea Hydrothermal System. Frontiers in Microbiology. 10(JUN), 1262. Labont, J. M., Field, E. K., Lau, M., Chivian, D., Van Heerden, E., Wommack, K. E., ... Stepanauskas, R. Single cell genomics indicates horizontal gene transfer and viral infections in a deep subsurface Firmicutes population. Frontiers in Microbiology. 6, 349. Labont, J. M., Swan, B. K., Poulos, B., Luo, H., Koren, S., Hallam, S. J., ... Stepanauskas, R. Single-cell genomics-based analysis of virus-host interactions in marine surface bacterioplankton. The ISME Journal. 9(11), 2386-2399. Risley, C. A., Tamalavage, A. E., van Hengstum, P. J., & Labonte, J. M. Subsurface Microbial Community Composition in Anchialine Environments Is Influenced by Original Organic Carbon Source at Time of Deposition. Frontiers in Marine Science. 9, 872789. Kamalanathan, M., Schwehr, K. A., Labont, J. M., Taylor, C., Bergen, C., Patterson, N., ... Quigg, A. The Interplay of Phototrophic and Heterotrophic Microbes Under Oil Exposure: A Microcosm Study. Frontiers in Microbiology. 12, 675328. Martinez, C., Avis, T. J., Simard, J., Labonte, J., Belanger, R. R., & Tweddell, R. J. The role of antibiosis in the antagonism of different bacteria towards Helminthosporium solani, the causal agent of potato silver scurf. PHYTOPROTECTION. 87(2), 69-75. Le Bourgeois, P., Bugarel, M., Campo, N., Daveran-Mingot, M., Labont, J., Lanfranchi, D., ... Ritzenthaler, P. The unconventional Xer recombination machinery of Streptococci/Lactococci. 3(7), e117-1199. Labont, J. M., & Campbell, K. L. There's more to RNA viruses than diseases. Science. 376(6589), 138-139. Stroski, K. M., Roelke, D. L., Kieley, C. M., Park, R., Campbell, K. L., Klobusnik, N. H., ... Brooks, B. W. What, How, When, and Where: Spatiotemporal Water Quality Hazards of Cyanotoxins in Subtropical Eutrophic Reservoirs. Environmental Science and Technology. 58(3), 1473-1483. conference paper Grimes, C. J., Labonte, J. M., Lopez, J. V., & Schulze, A. (2021). Pass me the microbes, please! Bearded fireworms source part of their microbiome from bleached and healthy corals and vice versa. INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY. E335-E336. Grimes, C. J., Labonte, J., Lopez, J. V., & Schulze, A. (2020). Microbiomes of a corallivore (Hermodice carunculata): where in the worm are the coral microbes?. INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY. E332-E332. Calderon-Gutierrez, F., Gonzalez, B., Iliffe, T., Labonte, J., Ballou, L., Mejia-Ortiz, L., & Borda, E. DNA barcoding reveals cryptic diversity in the aquifer of the Yucatan Peninsula and Cozumel, Mexico. INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY. S65-S65. institutional repository document Muffett, K., Labonte, J., & Miglietta, M. P. Bacterial communities of Cassiopea in the Florida Keys share major bacterial taxa with coral microbiomes Quigg, A., Claflin, N., Kamalanathan, M., Labont, J. M., & Steichen, J. L. Response of a phytoplankton community in a subtropical estuary to a pulse disturbance driven by a combo hurricane and rainfall event
principal investigator on Disturbance and recovery of the microbial communities in Galveston Bay following Hurricane Harvey and flooding of the Houston area awarded by Directorate for Geosciences - (Arlington, Virginia, United States) 2017 - 2019
teaching activities BIOL351 Fund Of Microbiol Instructor MARB289 Sea-phages Instructor MARB289 Sptp:seaphages Bioinformatics Instructor MARB433 Applied Bioinformatics Instructor MARB484 Internship Instructor MARB489 St: Applied Bioinformatics Instructor MARB491 Hnr: Research Instructor MARB633 Applied Bioinformatics Instructor MARB685 Directed Studies Instructor MARB689 Sptp: Microbiomes Instructor MARB689 St:applied Bioinformatics Instructor MARB691 Research Instructor MARB693 Professional Study Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Microbiology, University of British Columbia - (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) 2013 M.Sc. in Microbiology, Universite Laval - (Québec, Quebec, Canada) 2005 B.Sc. in Microbiology, Universite Laval - (Québec, Quebec, Canada) 2003