selected publications academicarticle Baudier, F. P., & Rosendal, C. (2024). Abstract embeddability ranks. Expositiones Mathematicae. 42(3), 125563-125563. Baudier, F. P., Braga, B. M., Farah, I., Khukhro, A., Vignati, A., & Willett, R. (2022). Uniform Roe algebras of uniformly locally finite metric spaces are rigid. Inventiones Mathematicae. 230(3), 1071-1100. Baudier, F., Motakis, P., Schlumprecht, T., & Zsak, A. (2022). Stochastic approximation of lamplighter metrics. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society. 54(5), 1804-1826. Baudier, F. P. (2022). Barycentric gluing and geometry of stable metrics. Revista- Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas Fisicas Y Naturales Serie a Matematicas. 116(1), 37. Baudier, F., Swiecicki, K., & Swift, A. (2021). No dimension reduction for doubling subsets of l(q) when q > 2 revisited. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 504(2), 125407-125407. Baudier, F. P., Lancien, G., Motakis, P., & Schlumprecht, T. (2021). The geometry of Hamming-type metrics and their embeddings into Banach spaces. Israel Journal of Mathematics. 244(2), 681-725. Baudier, F., Lancien, G., Motakis, P., & Schlumprecht, T. h. (2021). A NEW COARSELY RIGID CLASS OF BANACH SPACES. JOURNAL OF THE INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS OF JUSSIEU. 20(5), 1729-1747. Baudier, F., Motakis, P., Schlumprecht, T. h., & Zsak, A. (2021). On the Bi-Lipschitz Geometry of Lamplighter Graphs. Discrete and Computational Geometry. 66(1), 203-235. Baudier, F., Lancien, G., Motakis, P., & Schlumprecht, T. (2021). Coarse and Lipschitz universality. Fundamenta Mathematicae. 254(2), 181-214. Baudier, F., Lancien, G., & Schlumprecht, T. h. (2018). The coarse geometry of Tsirelsons space and applications. Journal of the American Mathematical Society. 31(3), 699-717. Baudier, F., Causey, R., Dilworth, S., Kutzarova, D., Randrianarivony, N. L., Schlumprecht, T., & Zhang, S. (2017). On the geometry of the countably branching diamond graphs. Journal of Functional Analysis. 273(10), 3150-3199. Baudier, F. P., & Zhang, S. (2016). (beta)-distortion of some infinite graphs. Journal of the London Mathematical Society. 93(2), 481-501. Baudier, F. P. (2016). Quantitative nonlinear embeddings into Lebesgue sequence spaces. Journal of Topology and Analysis. 8(1), 117-150. Baudier, F. P., & Johnson, W. B. (2016). Book Review: Metric embeddings: bilipschitz and coarse embedddings into Banach spaces. BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. 53(3), 495-506. Baudier, F., Freeman, D., Schlumprecht, T., & Zsk, A. (2016). The metric geometry of the Hamming cube and applications. Geometry and Topology. 20(3), 1427-1444. Baudier, F., & Lancien, G. (2015). Tight Embeddability of Proper and Stable Metric Spaces. Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces. 3(1), Albiac, F., & Baudier, F. (2015). Embeddability of Snowflaked Metrics with Applications to the Nonlinear Geometry of the Spaces Lp and p for 0. Journal of Geometric Analysis. 25(1), 1-24. Baudier, F., Kalton, N. J., & Lancien, G. (2010). A new metric invariant for Banach spaces. Studia Mathematica. 199(1), 73-94. Baudier, F., & Lancien, G. (2008). Embeddings of locally finite metric spaces into Banach spaces. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 136(3), 1029-1033. Baudier, F. (2007). Metrical characterization of super-reflexivity and linear type of Banach spaces. Archiv der Mathematik. 89(5), 419-429. Baudier, F. P., Braga, B. M., Farah, I., Vignati, A., & Willett, R. Coarse equivalence versus bijective coarse equivalence of expander graphs. Mathematische Zeitschrift. 307(3), 44. Baudier, F. P., Braga, B. M., Farah, I., Vignati, A., & Willett, R. Embeddings of von Neumann algebras into uniform Roe algebras and quasi-local algebras. Journal of Functional Analysis. 286(1), 110186-110186. Baudier, F., Gartland, C., & Schlumprecht, T. h. L 1 L_1 -distortion of Wasserstein metrics: A tale of two dimensions. 10(30), 1077-1118. Baudier, F., Schlumprecht, T. h., & ZSAK, A. On Stability of Metric Spaces and Kaltons Property Q. Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. haae050. Baudier, F. P., & Gartland, C. Umbel convexity and the geometry of trees. Advances in Mathematics. 438, 109461-109461. institutional repository document Baudier, F. P., Braga, B., Farah, I., Vignati, A., & Willett, R. (2022). Embeddings of von Neumann algebras into uniform Roe algebras and quasi-local algebras Baudier, F. P., Gartland, C., & Schlumprecht, T. (2022). $L_1$-distortion of Wasserstein metrics: a tale of two dimensions Baudier, F. P., Braga, B., Farah, I., Khukhro, A., Vignati, A., & Willett, R. (2021). Uniform Roe algebras of uniformly locally finite metric spaces are rigid Baudier, F. P., Braga, B., Farah, I., Khukhro, A., Vignati, A., & Willett, R. (2021). Uniform Roe algebras of uniformly locally finite metric spaces are rigid Baudier, F. P., & Gartland, C. (2021). Umbel convexity and the geometry of trees Baudier, F. P., Swieicki, K., & Swift, A. (2021). No dimension reduction for doubling subsets of $ell_q$ when $q>2$ revisited Baudier, F. P., & Gartland, C. (2021). Umbel convexity and the geometry of trees Baudier, F. P., Lancien, G., Motakis, P., & Schlumprecht, T. (2020). Coarse and Lipschitz universality Baudier, F. P., Lancien, G., Motakis, P., & Schlumprecht, T. (2020). The geometry of Hamming-type metrics and their embeddings into Banach spaces Baudier, F. P., Motakis, P., Schlumprecht, T., & Zsk, A. (2020). Stochastic approximation of lamplighter metrics Baudier, F. P., Motakis, P., Schlumprecht, T., & Zsk, A. (2020). Stochastic approximation of lamplighter metrics Baudier, F. P., Motakis, P., Schlumprecht, T., & Zsk, A. (2019). On the bi-Lipschitz geometry of lamplighter graphs Baudier, F., Lancien, G., Motakis, P., & Schlumprecht, T. (2018). A new coarsely rigid class of Banach spaces Baudier, F., Lancien, G., & Schlumprecht, T. (2017). The coarse geometry of Tsirelson's space and applications Baudier, F. P., & Deville, R. (2016). Lipschitz Embeddings of Metric Spaces into $c_0$ Baudier, F. P., & Deville, R. (2016). Lipschitz Embeddings of Metric Spaces into $c_0$ Baudier, F. P., Causey, R., DIlworth, S., Kutzarova, D., Randrianarivony, N. L., Schlumprecht, T., & Zhang, S. (2016). On the geometry of the countably branching diamond graphs Baudier, F. P., & Zhang, S. (2015). $()$-distortion of some infinite graphs Baudier, F. P., & Zhang, S. (2015). $(\beta)$-distortion of some infinite graphs Baudier, F., & Lancien, G. (2015). Tight embeddability of proper and stable metric spaces Baudier, F. P. (2014). On the $(\beta)$-distortion of some infinite graphs Baudier, F. P. (2014). Barycentric gluing and geometry of stable metrics Baudier, F. P. (2014). Barycentric gluing and geometry of stable metrics Baudier, F., Freeman, D., Schlumprecht, T. h., & Zsk, A. (2014). The metric geometry of the Hamming cube and applications Baudier, F. P. (2013). A topological obstruction for small-distortion embeddability into spaces of continuous functions on countable compact metric spaces Baudier, F. P. (2013). A topological obstruction for small-distortion embeddability into spaces of continuous functions on countable compact metric spaces Baudier, F. P. (2012). Quantitative nonlinear embeddings into Lebesgue sequence spaces Albiac, F., & Baudier, F. (2012). Embeddability of snowflaked metrics with applications to the nonlinear geometry of the spaces $L_p$ and $ell_{p}$ for $0 Baudier, F., Kalton, N. J., & Lancien, G. (2009). A new metric invariant for Banach spaces Baudier, F., & Lancien, G. (2007). Embeddings of locally finite metric spaces into Banach spaces Baudier, F. P., & Rosendal, C. Abstract embeddability ranks Baudier, F. P., & Lancien, G. An asymptotic analog of a local-to-global phenomenon for uniformly convex renormings Baudier, F., Braga, B., Farah, I., Vignati, A., & Willett, R. Coarse equivalence versus bijective coarse equivalence of expander graphs Baudier, F. Metrical characterization of super-reflexivity and linear type of Banach spaces Baudier, F., Schlumprecht, T. h., & Zsk, A. On stability of metric spaces and Kalton's property $Q$
principal investigator on Banach Spaces and Graphs: Geometric Interactions and Applications awarded by National Science Foundation - (Arlington, Virginia, United States) 2018 - 2021
teaching activities MATH151 Engineering Math I Instructor MATH220 Foundations Of Math Instructor MATH300 Foundations Of Math Instructor MATH409 Advanced Calculus I:france Instructor MATH485 Directed Studies:france Instructor MATH607 Real Variables I Instructor MATH608 Real Variables Ii Instructor MATH679 Math Algorithms & Implements Instructor MATH685 Directed Studies Instructor MATH689 Sptp:metric Invariants Instructor MATH691 Research Instructor