selected publications academicarticle Dubriwny, T. N., & Siegfried, K. (2021). Justifying abortion: The limits of maternal idealist rhetoric. QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF SPEECH. 107(2), 185-208. Dubriwny, T. N. (2019). Infertility: Tracing the History of a Transformative Term. Rhetoric and Public Affairs. 22(1), 168-171. Dubriwny, T. N., & Poirot, K. (2017). Gender and Public Memory. Southern Communication Journal. 82(4), 199-202. Dubriwny, T. N (2014). Seizing the Means of Reproduction: Entanglements of Feminism, Health and Technoscience. JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF SEXUALITY. 23(3), 495-497. Dubriwny, T. N (2013). Feminist for president: Hillary Clinton, feminism, and the 2008 Democratic primaries. Women and Language. 36(2), 35-56. Dubriwny, T. N., & Ramadurai, V. (2013). Framing Birth: Postfeminism in the Delivery Room. Women's Studies in Communication. 36(3), 243-266. Dubriwny, T. N. (2010). TELEVISION NEWS COVERAGE OF POSTPARTUM DISORDERS AND THE POLITICS OF MEDICALIZATION. Feminist Media Studies. 10(3), 285-303. Dubriwny, T. N. (2010). Women for President: Media Bias in Eight Campaigns. Rhetoric and Public Affairs. 13(3), 507-510. Dubriwny, T. N. (2009). Constructing Breast Cancer in the News Betty Ford and the Evolution of the Breast Cancer Patient. Journal of Communication Inquiry. 33(2), 104-125. Lynch, J., & Dubriwny, T. (2006). Drugs and double binds: racial identification and pharmacogenomics in a system of binary race logic. Health Communication. 19(1), 61-73. Dubriwny, T. N. (2005). Consciousness-raising as collective rhetoric: The articulation of experience in the redstockings' abortion speak-out of 1969. QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF SPEECH. 91(4), 395-422. Dubriwny, T. N. (2005). First Ladies and Feminism: Laura Bush as Advocate for Women's and Children's Rights. Women's Studies in Communication. 28(1), 84-114. Condit, C. M., Dubriwny, T., Lynch, J., & Parrott, R. (2004). Lay people's understanding of and preference against the word "mutation". 130A(3), 245-250. Condit, C. M., Parrott, R. L., Harris, T. M., Lynch, J., & Dubriwny, T (2004). The role of "genetics" in popular understandings of race in the United States. Public Understanding of Science. 13(3), 249-272. Dubriwny, T. N., Bates, B. R., & Bevan, J. L. (2004). Lay understandings of race: cultural and genetic definitions. Public Health Genomics. 7(4), 185-195. Bevan, J. L., Lynch, J. A., Dubriwny, T. N., Harris, T. M., Achter, P. J., Reeder, A. L., & Condit, C. M. (2003). Informed lay preferences for delivery of racially varied pharmacogenomics. GENETICS IN MEDICINE. 5(5), 393-399. Condit, C. M., Condit, D. M., Dubriwny, T., Sefcovic, E., Acosta-Alzuru, C., Brown-Givens, S., Dietz, C., & Parrott, R. L. (2003). Lay Understandings of Sex/Gender and Genetics: A Methodology That Preserves Polyvocal Coder Input. Sex Roles. 49(11-12), 557-570. book Dubriwny, T. N. (2012). The vulnerable empowered woman: Feminism, postfeminism, and women's health. Ed. 9780813554020. chapter Dubriwny, T. (2018). How to Be Fierce as F*&!: Full Frontals Angry Feminist Satire. Anderson, K. V. (Eds.), (pp. 143-164). Peter Lang. Murawski, C. M., & Dubriwny, T. N. (2018). The Badass and the President: Scandals Prime-Time Presidency. Anderson, K. V. (Eds.), (pp. 245-264). Peter Lang. Dubriwny, T. N. (2016). Mommy blogs and the disruptive possibilities of transgressive drinking. Hundley, H. L., & Hayden, S. E. (Eds.), Mediated Moms: Contemporary Challenges to the Motherhood Myth. (pp. 203-220). Peter Lang.
teaching activities COMM107 Intro To Health Humanities Instructor COMM203 Public Speaking Instructor COMM285 Hnr-directed Studies Instructor COMM420 Gender & Communication Instructor COMM471 Hnr-media Health Medicine Instructor COMM471 Media Health Medicine Instructor COMM485 Directed Studies Instructor COMM487 Comm Div Soc Just Capstone Exp Instructor COMM491 Research Instructor COMM645 Rhetor & Textual Methods Instructor COMM681 Professional Seminar Instructor COMM685 Directed Studies Instructor COMM691 Research Instructor ENGL107 Intro To Health Humanities Instructor HHUM107 Intro To Health Humanities Instructor VIZA693 Professional Study Instructor WGST320 Feminist Inquiry Rsrch Methods Instructor WGST401 Feminist Theory Instructor WGST420 Gender & Communication Instructor WGST484 Internship Instructor WGST491 Research Instructor WGST689 Sptp: Communication & Gender Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Cox, Travis Lloyd (2017-06). (Re)conceptualizing Neoliberal Health Discourses as Constitutive Relationships. Hernandez, Leandra H (2014-08). "It Wouldn't Change a Thing": The Role of Identity Politics and Gender Politics in Mexican-American Women's Decision-Making Experiences about Prenatal Testing. Rigda, Ryan S (2018-08). Rhetoric, Sport, and Queer/Theory: Gender and Athleticism in Queer Sports. Spradley, Elizabeth (2013-11). Avoiding Booby Traps and Whipping Up Pumpkin-spinach Purees: A Critical Narrative Analysis of Pediatric Nutrition Birth through the First 12-Months.
education and training Ph.D. in Speech Communication, University of Georgia - (Athens, Georgia, United States) 2005 M.A. in Women Studies, University of Cincinnati - (Cincinnati, Ohio, United States) 2001 B.A. in Women Studies, University of Oklahoma - (Norman, Oklahoma, United States) 1999