Pipeline for fluorescent imaging and volumetric analysis of neurons in cleared mouse spinal cords. uri icon


  • Precisely measuring the number and somatic volume of neurons in the central nervous system at single-cell resolution is technically challenging. Here, we combine multiple techniques to address this challenge in optically cleared mouse spinal cords. We describe invivo neuron labeling approaches, tissue-clearing technology, light sheet fluorescence microscopy, and machine learning-guided imaging analysis. This combination provides a precise determination of the cell number and somatic volume of any neuron population in the spinal cords.

published proceedings

  • STAR Protoc

altmetric score

  • 0.25

author list (cited authors)

  • Yu, H., Li, Q., Sandoval, A., Gibbs, H. C., English, A., Dunn, T., ... Chen, B. o.

citation count

  • 1

publication date

  • December 2022