Two-neutron transfer reaction mechanisms in 12C(6He,4He)14C using a realistic three-body 6He model
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published proceedings
author list (cited authors)
Smalley, D., Sarazin, F., Nunes, F. M., Brown, B. A., Adsley, P., Al-Falou, H., ... Yates, S.
complete list of authors
Smalley, D||Sarazin, F||Nunes, FM||Brown, BA||Adsley, P||Al-Falou, H||Andreoiu, C||Baartman, B||Ball, GC||Blackmon, JC||Boston, HC||Catford, WN||Chagnon-Lessard, S||Chester, A||Churchman, RM||Cross, DS||Diget, C Aa||Di Valentino, D||Fox, SP||Fulton, BR||Garnsworthy, A||Hackman, G||Hager, U||Kshetri, R||Orce, JN||Orr, NA||Paul, E||Pearson, M||Rand, ET||Rees, J||Sjue, S||Svensson, CE||Tardiff, E||Varela, A Diaz||Williams, SJ||Yates, S
published in
51 Physical Sciences
5106 Nuclear And Plasma Physics
5110 Synchrotrons And Accelerators
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
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