The array biosensor: portable, automated systems. uri icon


  • With recent advances in surface chemistry, microfluidics, and data analysis, there are ever increasing reports of array-based methods for detecting and quantifying multiple targets. However, only a few systems have been described that require minimal preparation of complex samples and possess a means of quantitatively assessing matrix effects. The NRL Array Biosensor has been developed with the goal of rapid and sensitive detection of multiple targets from multiple samples analyzed simultaneously. A key characteristic of this system is its two-dimensional configuration, which allows controls and standards to be analyzed in parallel with unknowns. Although the majority of our work has focused on instrument automation and immunoassay development, we have recently initiated efforts to utilize alternative recognition molecules, such as peptides and sugars, for detection of a wider variety of targets. The array biosensor has demonstrated utility for a variety of applications, including food safety, disease diagnosis, monitoring immune response, and homeland security, and is presently being transitioned to the commercial sector for manufacturing.

published proceedings

  • Anal Sci

author list (cited authors)

  • Ligler, F. S., Sapsford, K. E., Golden, J. P., Shriver-Lake, L. C., Taitt, C. R., Dyer, M. A., Barone, S., & Myatt, C. J.

complete list of authors

  • Ligler, Frances S||Sapsford, Kim E||Golden, Joel P||Shriver-Lake, Lisa C||Taitt, Chris R||Dyer, Maureen A||Barone, Salvatore||Myatt, Christopher J