UV polymerization of hydrodynamically shaped fibers. uri icon


  • Most natural and man-made fibers have circular cross-sections; thus the properties of materials composed of non-circular fibers are largely unexplored. We demonstrate the technology for fabricating fibers with predetermined cross-sectional shape. Passive hydrodynamic focusing and UV polymerization of a shaped acrylate stream produced metre-long fibers for structural and mechanical characterization.

published proceedings

  • Lab Chip

author list (cited authors)

  • Thangawng, A. L., Howell, P. B., Spillmann, C. M., Naciri, J., & Ligler, F. S.

complete list of authors

  • Thangawng, Abel L||Howell, Peter B||Spillmann, Christopher M||Naciri, Jawad||Ligler, Frances S