Antimicrobial Peptides: New Recognition Molecules for Detecting Botulinum Toxins. uri icon


  • Many organisms secrete antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) for protection againstharmful microbes. The present study describes detection of botulinum neurotoxoids A, Band E using AMPs as recognition elements in an array biosensor. While AMP affinitieswere similar to those for anti-botulinum antibodies, differences in binding patterns wereobserved and can potentially be used for identification of toxoid serotype. Furthermore,some AMPs also demonstrated superior detection sensitivity compared to antibodies: toxoidA could be detected at 3.5 LD50 of the active toxin in a 75-min assay, whereas toxoids B andE were detected at 14 and 80 LD50 for their respective toxins.

published proceedings

  • Sensors (Basel)

author list (cited authors)

  • Kulagina, N. V., Anderson, G. P., Ligler, F. S., Shaffer, K. M., & Taitt, C. R.

complete list of authors

  • Kulagina, Nadezhda V||Anderson, George P||Ligler, Frances S||Shaffer, Kara M||Taitt, Chris Rowe
