Fluidics cube for biosensor miniaturization. uri icon


  • To create a small, portable, fully automated biosensor, a compact means of fluid handling is required. We designed, manufactured, and tested a "fluidics cube" for such a purpose. This cube, made of thermoplastic, contains reservoirs and channels for liquid samples and reagents and operates without the use of any internal valves or meters; it is a passive fluid circuit that relies on pressure relief vents to control fluid movement. We demonstrate the ability of pressure relief vents to control fluid movement and show how to simply manufacture or modify the cube. Combined with the planar array biosensor developed at the Naval Research Laboratory, it brings us one step closer to realizing our goal of a handheld biosensor capable of analyzing multiple samples for multiple analytes.

published proceedings

  • Anal Chem

author list (cited authors)

  • Dodson, J. M., Feldstein, M. J., Leatzow, D. M., Flack, L. K., Golden, J. P., & Ligler, F. S.

complete list of authors

  • Dodson, JM||Feldstein, MJ||Leatzow, DM||Flack, LK||Golden, JP||Ligler, FS