Bispecific antibodies, nanoparticles and cells: bringing the right cells to get the job done. uri icon


  • Pre-arming therapeutic cells with bispecific antibodies (BiAbs) before infusion can home the cells to specific tissue antigens in the body. With the development of nanotechnology, we developed a novel strategy, namely magnetic bispecific cell engager (MagBICE), that combines BiAbs with biodegradable iron nanoparticles. Compared to conventional BiAbs, the latter enables magnetic targeting and imaging. This editorial discusses current knowledge of BiAbs and their applications in targeting activated T cells to cancerous tissues or targeting bone marrow-derived stem cells to myocardial infarction. We will also discuss the fabrication of MagBICE and its application in treating rodents with myocardial infarction.

published proceedings

  • Expert Opin Biol Ther

author list (cited authors)

  • Tang, J., Shen, D., Zhang, J., Ligler, F. S., & Cheng, K. e.

complete list of authors

  • Tang, Junnan||Shen, Deliang||Zhang, Jinying||Ligler, Frances S||Cheng, Ke