Recently, Wineman and Rajagopal [1990] "On a Constitutive Theory for Materials Undergoing Microstructural Changes," Arch. Mech., 42, 53 and Rajagopal and Wineman [1992] "A Constitutive Equation for Nonlinear Solids which Undergo Deformation Induced Microstructural Changes," Int. J. Plasticity, 8, 385, developed a theory that was particularly well suited to describing the inelastic behavior of polymeric materials. Here, we draw upon their ideas and generalize them to include a much larger class of materials. The versatility and efficacy of the theory are illustrated by studying the problem of twinning within the context of the theory. We find that the predictions of the theory are remarkably close - both qualitatively and quantitatively - with the experimental results of Madhava et al. [1972] "Discontinuous Twinning during Essentially Elastic Compression of Steel at 4.2K," Phil. Mag., 25(2), 519 and Madhava and Armstrong [1974] "A Constitutive Relation for Deformation Twinning at High Strain Rates," in Rohde, R.W., Butcher, B.M., Holland, J.R., and Karnes, C.H., eds., Metallurgical Effects at High Strain Rates. Plenum, New York, 1974. 1995.