Parylene insulated probes for scanning electrochemical-atomic force microscopy.
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Scanning electrochemical-atomic force microscopy (SECM-AFM) is a powerful technique that can be used to obtain in situ information related to electrochemical phenomena at interfaces. Fabrication of probes to perform SECM-AFM experiments remains a challenge. Herein, we describe a method for formation of microelectrodes at the tip of commercial conductive AFM probes and demonstrate application of these probes to SECM-AFM. Probes were first insulated with a thin parylene layer, followed by subsequent exposure of active electrodes at the probe tips by mechanical abrasion of the insulating layer. Characterization of probes was performed by electron microscopy and cyclic voltammetry. In situ measurement of localized electrochemical activity with parylene-coated probes was demonstrated through measurement of the diffusion of Ru(NH)(6)(3+) across a porous membrane.