selected publications academicarticle Erdelyi, T. (2021). Turan-Type Reverse Markov Inequalities for Polynomials with Restricted Zeros. Constructive Approximation. 54(1), 35-48. Erdlyi, T., Rosenblatt, J., & Rosenblatt, R. (2021). The Zero Set of an Electrical Field from a Finite Number of Point Charges: One, Two, and Three Dimensions Erdelyi, T. (2020). Functions with identical L-p norms. Journal of Approximation Theory. 257, 105454-105454. Erdlyi, T., Musco, C., & Musco, C. (2020). Fourier Sparse Leverage Scores and Approximate Kernel Learning. abs/2006.07340. Erdelyi, T. (2020). Arestov's theorems on Bernstein's inequality. Journal of Approximation Theory. 250, 105323-105323. Erdlyi, T. (2020). Do flat skew-reciprocal Littlewood polynomials exist? Erdelyi, T. (2018). Improved Lower Bound for the Mahler Measure of the Fekete Polynomials. Constructive Approximation. 48(2), 283-299. Erdelyi, T. (2017). Inequalities for exponential sums. Sbornik: Mathematics. 208(3), 433-464. Erdelyi, T. (2016). The Mahler Measure of the Rudin-Shapiro Polynomials. Constructive Approximation. 43(3), 357-369. Nevai, P., & Erdelyi, T. (2016). On the derivatives of unimodular polynomials. Sbornik: Mathematics. 207(4), 590-609. Erdelyi, T. (2016). Coppersmith-Rivlin type inequalities and the order of vanishing of polynomials at 1. Acta Arithmetica. 172(3), 271-284. Erdelyi, T. (2016). The number of unimodular zeros of self-reciprocal polynomials with coefficients in a finite set. Acta Arithmetica. 176(2), 177-200. Erdelyi, T. (2015). Flatness of conjugate reciprocal unimodular polynomials. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 432(2), 699-714. Erdelyi, T., Hardin, D. P., & Saff, E. B. (2015). INVERSE BERNSTEIN INEQUALITIES AND MIN-MAX-MIN PROBLEMS ON THE UNIT CIRCLE. Mathematika: a journal of pure and applied mathematics. 61(3), 581-590. Erdelyi, T. (2015). PSEUDO-BOOLEAN FUNCTIONS AND THE MULTIPLICITY OF THE ZEROS OF POLYNOMIALS. Journal d'Analyse Mathematique. 127(1), 91-108. Choi, S., & Erdelyi, T. (2015). Sums of monomials with large Mahler measure. Journal of Approximation Theory. 197, 49-61. Erdelyi, T. (2015). Inequalities for Lorentz polynomials. Journal of Approximation Theory. 192, 297-305. Choi, S., & Erdelyi, T. (2015). On a problem of Bourgain concerning the norms of exponential sums. Mathematische Zeitschrift. 279(1-2), 577-584. Erdelyi, T., Ganzburg, M. I., & Nevai, P. (2015). M. Riesz-Schur-type inequalities for entire functions of exponential type. Sbornik: Mathematics. 206(1), 24-32. Choi, S., & Erdlyi, T. (2014). Average Mahlers measure and L p L_p norms of Littlewood polynomials. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society: Series B. 1(10), 105-120. Erdelyi, T. (2014). Basic Polynomial Inequalities on Intervals and Circular Arcs. Constructive Approximation. 39(2), 367-384. Borwein, P., Erdelyi, T., & Kos, G. (2013). The multiplicity of the zero at 1 of polynomials with constrained coefficients. Acta Arithmetica. 159(4), 387-395. Erdelyi, T., & Saff, E. B. (2013). Riesz polarization inequalities in higher dimensions. Journal of Approximation Theory. 171, 128-147. Borwein, P., & Erdelyi, T. (2013). A NOTE ON BARKER POLYNOMIALS. International Journal of Number Theory. 9(3), 759-767. Ambrus, G., Ball, K. M., & Erdelyi, T. (2013). Chebyshev constants for the unit circle. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society. 45(2), 236-248. Erdelyi, T. (2012). Upper bounds for the L-q norm of Fekete polynomials on subarcs. Acta Arithmetica. 153(1), 81-91. Erdelyi, T., Khodjasteh, K., & Viola, L. (2012). The Size of Exponential Sums on Intervals of the Real Line. Constructive Approximation. 35(1), 123-136. Erdelyi, T. (2011). On the L-q norm of cyclotomic Littlewood polynomials on the unit circle. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 151(2), 373-384. Erdelyi, T. (2011). Sieve-Type Lower Bounds for the Mahler Measure of Polynomials on Subarcs. Computational Methods and Function Theory / Computational Methods and Function Theory - Springer. 11(1), 213-228. Erdelyi, T. (2011). Orthogonality and the maximum of Littlewood cosine polynomials. Acta Arithmetica. 146(3), 215-231. Khodjasteh, K., Erdelyi, T., & Viola, L. (2011). Limits on preserving quantum coherence using multipulse control. Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 83(2), 020305. Erdelyi, T. (2010). A Markov-Nikolskii type inequality for absolutely monotone polynomials of order K. Journal d'Analyse Mathematique. 112(1), 369-381. Erdelyi, T. (2010). GEORGE LORENTZ AND INEQUALITIES IN APPROXIMATION. St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal. 21(3), 365-405. Erdelyi, T. (2009). The Remez inequality for linear combinations of shifted Gaussians. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 146(3), 523-530. Borwein, P., Erdelyi, T., & Littmann, F. (2008). Polynomials with coefficients from a finite set. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 360(10), 5145-5154. Borwein, P., Erdelyi, T., Ferguson, R., & Lockhart, R. (2008). On the zeros of cosine polynomials: solution to a problem of Littlewood. Annals of Mathematics. 167(3), 1109-1117. Erdelyi, T. (2008). An improvement of the Erdos-Turan theorem on the distribution of zeros of polynomials. COMPTES RENDUS MATHEMATIQUE. 346(5-6), 267-270. Erdlyi, T. (2008). Extensions of the BlochPlya theorem on the number of real zeros of polynomials. Journal de Theorie des Nombres de Bordeaux. 20(2), 281-287. Borwein, P., & Erdelyi, T. (2007). Lower bounds for the number of zeros of cosine polynomials in the period: a problem of Littlewood. Acta Arithmetica. 128(4), 377-384. Erdelyi, T., & Lubinsky, D. S. (2007). Large sieve inequalities via subharmonic methods and the Mahler measure of the Fekete polynomials. Canadian Journal of Mathematics. 59(4), 730-741. Erdelyi, T. (2007). Markov-Nikolskii type inequalities for exponential sums on finite intervals. Advances in Mathematics. 208(1), 135-146. Erdelyi, T. (2006). On the denseness of span {chi(lambda j)(1-chi)(1-lambda j)} in C-0([0,1]). Journal of Functional Analysis. 238(2), 463-470. Borwein, P., & Erdelyi, T. (2006). Nikolskii-type inequalities for shift invariant function spaces. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 134(11), 3243-3246. Beaucoup, F., & Erdlyi, T. (2006). 11226. American Mathematical Monthly. 113(5), 460-460. Erdlyi, T. (2006). BernsteinType Inequalities for Linear Combinations of Shifted Gaussians. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society. 38(1), 124-138. Erdelyi, T., & Friedman, H. (2005). The number of certain integral polynomials and nonrecursive sets of integers, part 1. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 357(3), 999-1011. Erdelyi, T. (2005). The "Full Muntz Theorem" revisited. Constructive Approximation. 21(3), 319-335. Erdelyi, T. (2004). The uniform closure of non-dense rational spaces on the unit interval. Journal of Approximation Theory. 131(2), 149-156. Erdelyi, T., & Kroo, A. (2004). Markov-type inequalities on certain irrational arcs and domains. Journal of Approximation Theory. 130(2), 113-124. Borwein, P., & Erdelyi, T. (2003). Lower bounds for the merit factors of trigonometric polynomials from Littlewood classes. Journal of Approximation Theory. 125(2), 190-197. Erdelyi, T. (2003). On the real part of ultraflat sequences of unimodular polynomials: Consequences implied by the resolution of the phase problem. 326(3), 489-498. Benko, D., & Erdlyi, T. (2003). Markov inequality for polynomials of degree n with m distinct zeros. Journal of Approximation Theory. 122(2), 241-248. Erdelyi, T. (2003). Markov-Bernstein-type inequality for trigonometric polynomials with respect to doubling weights on [-omega,omega]. Constructive Approximation. 19(3), 329-338. Erdlyi, T. (2003). The ``Full ClarksonErdsSchwartz Theorem'' on the closure of non-dense Mntz spaces. Studia Mathematica. 155(2), 145-152. Erdelyi, T. (2001). The phase problem of ultraflat unimodular polynomials: The resolution of the conjecture of Saffari. Mathematische Annalen. 321(4), 905-924. Borwein, P., & Erdelyi, T. (2001). Trigonometric polynomials with many real zeros and a Littlewood-type problem. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 129(3), 725-730. Erdelyi, T. (2001). How far is an ultraflat sequence of unimodular polynomials from being conjugate-reciprocal?. Michigan Mathematical Journal. 49(2), 259-264. Erdelyi, T. (2001). Markov-type inequalities for products of Muntz polynomials. Journal of Approximation Theory. 112(2), 171-188. Erdelyi, T. (2001). Proof of Saffari's near-orthogonality conjecture for ultraflat sequences of unimodular polynomials. Comptes Rendus Mathematique (Academie des Sciences). 333(7), 623-628. Erdelyi, T. (2001). On the zeros of polynomials with Littlewood-type coefficient constraints. Michigan Mathematical Journal. 49(1), 97-111. Erdlyi, T., & Johnson, W. B. (2001). The Full Mntz Theorem inLp[0, 1] for 0. Journal d'Analyse Mathematique. 84(1), 145-172. Erdlyi, T. (2001). The norm of the polynomial truncation operator on the unit disk and on [-1,1]. Colloquium Mathematicum. 90(2), 287-293. Erdelyi, T. (2000). The resolution of Saffari's phase problem. Comptes Rendus Mathematique (Academie des Sciences). 331(10), 803-808. Borwein, P., & Erdelyi, T. (2000). Markov-Bernstein type inequalities under Littlewood-type coefficient constraints. Indagationes Mathematicae. 11(2), 159-172. Erdelyi, T. (2000). Markov- and Bernstein-type inequalities for Muntz polynomials and exponential sums in L-p. Journal of Approximation Theory. 104(1), 142-152. Erdlyi, T., Kro, A., & Szabados, J. (2000). MarkovBernstein Type Inequalities on Compact Subsets of R. Analysis Mathematica. 26(1), 17-34. Erdlyi, T. (2000). On the Equation a(a + d)(a + 2d)(a + 3d) = x2. American Mathematical Monthly. 107(2), 166-169. Erdelyi, T. (2000). On the equation a(a+d)(a+2d)(a+3d)=x(2). American Mathematical Monthly. 107(2), 166-169. Borwein, P., & Erdelyi, T. (2000). Pointwise Remez- and Nikolskii-type inequalities for exponential sums. Mathematische Annalen. 316(1), 39-60. Erdelyi, T. (1999). Notes on inequalities with doubling weights. Journal of Approximation Theory. 100(1), 60-72. Borwein, P., Erdlyi, T., & Ks, G. (1999). LittlewoodType Problems on [0,1]. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. 79(1), 22-46. Erdelyi, T. (1998). Markov-Bernstein type inequalities for constrained polynomials with real versus complex coefficients. Journal d'Analyse Mathematique. 74(1), 165-181. Erdelyi, T. (1998). Markov-type inequalities for constrained polynomials with complex coefficients. Illinois Journal of Mathematics. 42(4), 544-563. Borwein, P., & Erdelyi, T. (1998). A Remez-type inequality for non-dense Muntz spaces with explicit bound. Journal of Approximation Theory. 93(3), 450-457. Erdelyi, T. (1998). Paul Erdos (1913-1996) - In memoriam. Journal of Approximation Theory. 94(1), 1-41. Borwein, P., & Erdelyi, T. (1997). Littlewood-type problems on subarcs of the unit circle. INDIANA UNIVERSITY MATHEMATICS JOURNAL. 46(4), 1323-1346. Erdelyi, T., & Nevai, P. (1997). Lower bounds for derivatives of polynomials and Remez type inequalities. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 349(12), 4953-4972. Borwein, P., & Erdelyi, T. (1997). On the zeros of polynomials with restricted coefficients. Illinois Journal of Mathematics. 41(4), 667-675. Borwein, P., & Erdlyi, T. (1997). Markov- and Bernstein-Type Inequalities for Polynomials with Restricted Coefficients. The Ramanujan Journal: an international journal devoted to areas of mathematics influenced by Ramanu. 1(3), 309-322. Borwein, P., & Erdelyi, T. (1997). Generalizations of Muntz's Theorem via a Remez-type inequality for Muntz spaces. Journal of the American Mathematical Society. 10(2), 327-349. Borwein, P., & Erdelyi, T. (1997). Littlewood-type problems on subarcs of the unit circle. INDIANA UNIVERSITY MATHEMATICS JOURNAL. 46(4), 0-0. Borwein, P., & Erdlyi, T. (1996). Sharp extensions of Bernstein's inequality to rational spaces. Mathematika: a journal of pure and applied mathematics. 43(2), 413-423. Borwein, P., & Erdelyi, T. (1996). Sharp extensions of Bernstein's inequality to rational spaces. Mathematika: a journal of pure and applied mathematics. 43(86), 413-423. Borwein, P., & Erdlyi, T. (1996). The Lp version of Newman's inequality for lacunary polynomials. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 124(1), 101-109. Borwein, P., & Erdelyi, T. (1996). Questions about polynomials with {0, -1, +1} coefficients: Research problems 96-3. Constructive Approximation. 12(3), 439-442. Borwein, P., & Erdlyi, T. (1996). The Full Mntz Theorem in C[0, 1] and L1[0, 1]. Journal of the London Mathematical Society. 54(1), 102-110. Borwein, P., & Erdelyi, T. (1996). A sharp Bernstein-type inequality for exponential sums. Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik. 476(476), 127-141. Borwein, P., & Erdelyi, T. (1996). Newman's inequality for Muntz polynomials on positive intervals. Journal of Approximation Theory. 85(2), 132-139. Borwein, P., & Erdelyi, T. (1996). The integer Chebyshev problem. Mathematics of Computation. 65(214), 661-681. Borwein, P., & Erdlyi, T. (1996). Questions About Polynomials with ${0,-1,+1}$ Coefficients: Research Problems 96-3, Edited by P.Borwein, I.Daubechies, and V.Totik. Constructive Approximation. 12(3), 439-439. Borwein, P., & Erdelyi, T. (1996). The L(p) version of Newman's inequality for lacunary polynomials. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 124(1), 101-109. Erdelyi, T. (1995). Topics in Polynomials: Extremal Problems, Inequalities, Zeros, G.V. Milovanovi, D.S. Mitrinovi and Th. M. Rassias, World Scientific, Singapore, 1994, xiii + 821 pp. Journal of Approximation Theory. 82(3), 471-472. BORWEIN, P., & ERDELYI, T. (1995). MARKOV AND BERNSTEIN TYPE INEQUALITIES IN L(P) FOR CLASSES OF POLYNOMIALS WITH CONSTRAINTS. Journal of the London Mathematical Society. 51(3), 573-588. BORWEIN, P., & ERDELYI, T. (1995). UPPER-BOUNDS FOR THE DERIVATIVE OF EXPONENTIAL-SUMS. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 123(5), 1481-1486. Borwein, P., & Erdlyi, T. (1995). Upper bounds for the derivative of exponential sums. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 123(5), 1481-1486. BORWEIN, P., & ERDELYI, T. (1995). DENSE MARKOV SPACES AND UNBOUNDED BERNSTEIN INEQUALITIES. Journal of Approximation Theory. 81(1), 66-77. BORWEIN, P., & ERDELYI, T. (1995). MUNTZ SPACES AND REMEZ INEQUALITIES. BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. 32(1), 38-42. BORWEIN, P., ERDELYI, T., & ZHANG, J. (1994). CHEBYSHEV POLYNOMIALS AND MARKOV-BERNSTEIN TYPE INEQUALITIES FOR RATIONAL SPACES. Journal of the London Mathematical Society. 50(3), 501-519. BORWEIN, P., & ERDELYI, T. (1994). MARKOV-BERNSTEIN-TYPE INEQUALITIES FOR CLASSES OF POLYNOMIALS WITH RESTRICTED ZEROS. Constructive Approximation. 10(3), 411-425. Erdelyi, T. (1994). Weierstrass-Stone, the Theorem, Approximation and Optimization, Vol. 5, J. B. Prolla, Verlag Peter Lang, 1993, iv + 130 pp. Journal of Approximation Theory. 78(3), 466-466. BORWEIN, P., & ERDELYI, T. (1994). MARKOV AND BERNSTEIN TYPE INEQUALITIES ON SUBSETS OF [-1,1] AND [-PI,PI]. Acta Mathematica Hungarica. 65(2), 189-194. BORWEIN, P., ERDELYI, T., & ZHANG, J. (1994). MUNTZ SYSTEMS AND ORTHOGONAL MUNTZ-LEGENDRE POLYNOMIALS. 342(2), 523-542. Borwein, P., Erdlyi, T., & Zhang, J. (1994). Mntz systems and orthogonal Mntz-Legendre polynomials. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 342(2), 523-542. BORWEIN, P., & ERDELYI, T. (1993). LACUNARY MUNTZ SYSTEMS. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. 36(3), 361-374. ERDELYI, T. (1993). REMEZ-TYPE INEQUALITIES AND THEIR APPLICATIONS. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 47(2), 167-209. BORWEIN, P., & ERDELYI, T. (1992). REMEZ-TYPE, NIKOLSKII-TYPE, AND MARKOV-TYPE INEQUALITIES FOR GENERALIZED NONNEGATIVE POLYNOMIALS WITH RESTRICTED ZEROS. Constructive Approximation. 8(3), 343-362. ERDELYI, T., MATE, A., & NEVAI, P. (1992). INEQUALITIES FOR GENERALIZED NONNEGATIVE POLYNOMIALS. Constructive Approximation. 8(2), 241-255. ERDELYI, T., & NEVAI, P. (1992). GENERALIZED JACOBI WEIGHTS, CHRISTOFFEL FUNCTIONS, AND ZEROS OF ORTHOGONAL POLYNOMIALS. Journal of Approximation Theory. 69(2), 111-132. ERDELYI, T. (1992). REMEZ-TYPE INEQUALITIES ON THE SIZE OF GENERALIZED POLYNOMIALS. Journal of the London Mathematical Society. 45(2), 255-264. ERDELYI, T. (1992). WEIGHTED MARKOV AND BERNSTEIN TYPE INEQUALITIES FOR GENERALIZED NONNEGATIVE POLYNOMIALS. Journal of Approximation Theory. 68(3), 283-305. ERDELYI, T. (1991). ESTIMATES FOR THE LORENTZ DEGREE OF POLYNOMIALS. Journal of Approximation Theory. 67(2), 187-198. ERDELYI, T. (1991). NIKOLSKII-TYPE INEQUALITIES FOR GENERALIZED POLYNOMIALS AND ZEROS OF ORTHOGONAL POLYNOMIALS. Journal of Approximation Theory. 67(1), 80-92. BORWEIN, P., & ERDELYI, T. (1991). NOTES ON LACUNARY MUNTZ POLYNOMIALS. Israel Journal of Mathematics. 76(1-2), 183-192. ERDELYI, T. (1991). BERNSTEIN-TYPE INEQUALITIES FOR THE DERIVATIVES OF CONSTRAINED POLYNOMIALS. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 112(3), 829-838. Erdlyi, T. (1991). Bernstein-type inequalities for the derivatives of constrained polynomials. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 112(3), 829-838. ERDELYI, T. (1990). A MARKOV-TYPE INEQUALITY FOR THE DERIVATIVES OF CONSTRAINED POLYNOMIALS. Journal of Approximation Theory. 63(3), 321-334. ERDELYI, T. (1990). A SHARP REMEZ INEQUALITY ON THE SIZE OF CONSTRAINED POLYNOMIALS. Journal of Approximation Theory. 63(3), 335-337. ERDELYI, T. (1989). MARKOV-TYPE ESTIMATES FOR CERTAIN CLASSES OF CONSTRAINED POLYNOMIALS. Constructive Approximation. 5(3), 347-356. ERDELYI, T. (1989). WEIGHTED MARKOV-TYPE ESTIMATES FOR THE DERIVATIVES OF CONSTRAINED POLYNOMIALS ON [0,INFINITY). Journal of Approximation Theory. 58(2), 213-231. ERDELYI, T., & SZABADOS, J. (1989). BERNSTEIN TYPE INEQUALITIES FOR A CLASS OF POLYNOMIALS. Acta Mathematica Hungarica. 53(1-2), 237-251. ERDELYI, T. (1988). MARKOV TYPE ESTIMATES FOR DERIVATIVES OF POLYNOMIALS OF SPECIAL TYPE. Acta Mathematica Hungarica. 51(3-4), 421-436. ERDELYI, T., & SZABADOS, J. (1988). ON POLYNOMIALS WITH POSITIVE COEFFICIENTS. Journal of Approximation Theory. 54(1), 107-122. ERDELYI, T. (1987). POINTWISE ESTIMATES FOR THE DERIVATIVES OF A POLYNOMIAL WITH REAL ZEROS. Acta Mathematica Hungarica. 49(1-2), 219-235. book Borwein, P., & Erdlyi, T. (1995). Polynomials and Polynomial Inequalities. Ed. 161. Springer Nature. Borwein, P., & Erdelyi, T. (1995). Polynomials and Polynomial Inequalities. Springer Science & Business Media. chapter Erdlyi, T. (2020). Recent Progress in the Study of Polynomials with Constrained Coefficients. Trigonometric Sums and Their Applications. (pp. 29-69). Springer Nature. Erdelyi, T. (2017). Markov-Type Inequalities for Products of Muntz Polynomials Revisited. Springer Optimization and Its Applications. PROGRESS IN APPROXIMATION THEORY AND APPLICABLE COMPLEX ANALYSIS: IN MEMORY OF Q.I. RAHMAN. (pp. 19-39). Springer Nature. Erdlyi, T. (2008). Newman's inequality for increasing exponential sums. Number Theory and Polynomials. (pp. 127-141). Cambridge University Press (CUP). Erdelyi, T. (2006). EXTREMAL PROPERTIES OF POLYNOMIALS. Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies. PANORAMA OF HUNGARIAN MATHEMATICS IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY I. (pp. 119-156). Springer Nature. Erdlyi, T. (2006). Inequalities for exponential sums via interpolation and Turn-type reverse Markov inequalities. Frontiers in Interpolation and Approximation. (pp. 119-144). conference paper Erdlyi, T., Musco, C., & Musco, C. (2020). Fourier Sparse Leverage Scores and Approximate Kernel Learning Erdelyi, T. (2003). Extremal properties of the derivatives of the Newman polynomials. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 3129-3134. Benko, D., Erdelyi, T., & Szabados, J. (2003). The full Markov-Newman inequality for Muntz polynomials on positive intervals. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 2385-2391. Erdelyi, T. (2002). Markov-Bernstein type inequalities for polynomials under Erdos-type constraints. Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies. 219-239.
education and training Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of South Carolina - (Columbia, South Carolina, United States) 1989 M.Sc. in Mathematics, Eotvos Lorand University - (Budapest, Pest, Hungary) 1985 Simon Fraser University - (Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada) , Postdoctoral Training 1995 Dalhousie University - (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada) , Postdoctoral Training 1993 Hungarian Academy of Sciences - (Budapest, Hungary) , Postdoctoral Training 1987