Large bifurcation supports
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In the study of global bifurcations of vector fields on $S^2$, it is important to distinguish a set "where the bifurcation actually occurs", -- the bifurcation support. Hopefully, it is sufficient to study the bifurcation in a neighborhood of the support only. The first definition of bifurcation support was proposed by V.Arnold. However this set appears to be too small. In particular, the newly discovered effect, an open domain in the space of three-parametric families on $S^2$ with no structurally stable families, is not visible in a neighborhood of the bifurcation support. In this article, we give a new definition of "large bifurcation support" that accomplishes the task. Roughly speaking, if we know the topological type of the phase portrait of a vector field, and we also know the bifurcation in a neighborhood of the large bifurcation support, then we know the bifurcation on the whole sphere.