Numerical Solutions of BVPs in 2-D Viscous Compressible Flows Using hpk Framework
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This paper presents numerical simulations of the two dimensional boundary value problems (BVPs) in viscous compressible flows using finite element method in hpk framework [1]-[2] in which the integral forms are variationally consistent (VC). The mathematical models utilize Navier-Stokes equations incorporating physical viscosity, conductivity and other transport properties. The finite element method based on hpk framework permits higher order global differentiability approximation and the variationally consistent integral forms [1]-[2] ensure unconditionally stable computations for all choices hpk and the dimensionless parameters in the mathematical models and thus do not require the use of upwinding methods such as SUPG/DC/LS [3]-[4]. Mach 1, 2, 3 and 5 flows over a flat plate (Carter's plate) is used as a model problems with ideal gas law.