selected publications academicarticle Restrepo, V., & Martinez, R. V. (2023). Cross-scale design of energy dissipative composites using self-repairing interfaces based on sacrificial bonds. Materials and Design. 233, 112283-112283. Restrepo, V., Hosseini, M. S., Gallant, C., Weymouth, B., & Zavattieri, P. (2021). A two-scale strategy for the modeling of hook and loop fasteners. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 156, 104600-104600. Restrepo, V., & Martinez, R. V. (2021). Bioinspired fabrication of reconfigurable elastomeric cementitious structures using self-healing mechanical adhesives interfaces. Materials and Design. 205, 109691-109691. Pal, A., Restrepo, V., Goswami, D., & Martinez, R. V. (2021). Exploiting Mechanical Instabilities in Soft Robotics: Control, Sensing, and Actuation. ADVANCED MATERIALS. 33(19), e2006939-2006939. Restrepo, V., Villarraga, J., & Palacio, J. P. (2014). Stress Reduction in the Residual Limb of a Transfemoral Amputee Varying the Coefficient of Friction. Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics. 26(4), 205-211. Restrepo, V., Villarraga, J. A., & Jose Pavon, J. (2014). Determining the most representative topographic variables in locally manufactured sockets for patients with transfemoral amputation. 16(1), 209-215. Restrepo, V., Villarraga, J. A., & Pavn, J. J. (1970). Determinacin de las variables topogrficas ms representativas en Sockets para amputados transfemorales fabricados nacionalmente. 16(1), 221-228. conference paper Restrepo, V., Villarraga, J., & Velez, J. (2014). SURFACE OPTIMIZATION OF A SOCKET FOR A TRANSFEMORAL AMPUTEE THAT REDUCES THE STRESSES VARYING THE FRICTION COEFFICIENT. Proceedings of 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics. 485-502. patent Restrepo, V., & Ojeda, O. (2023). Sacrificial Bond Composites and Uses Thereof
teaching activities ENGR484 Internation Engr Intern: In-ab Instructor MEEN368 Solid Mech In Mec Design Instructor MEEN440 Bio Inspired Engr Design Instructor MEEN475 Materials In Design Instructor MEEN491 Hnr-research Instructor MEEN691 Research Instructor MEEN696 Bio Inspired Design Instructor
education and training Ph.D., Purdue University - (West Lafayette, Indiana, United States) 2021 M.S.E., Purdue University - (West Lafayette, Indiana, United States) 2016
awards and honors ADVANCE Scholars Program, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2022
mailing address Mechanical Engineering Office Building, Office 308 3123 TAMU College Station, TX 77843 USA