Diffusion-limited kinetics of the antiferromagnetic to ferrimagnetic -transition in Fe1-xS uri icon


  • Fe1xS (0.08x0.11) exhibits a simultaneous magneto-structural -transition at approximately 200C. Time-dependent magnetization measurements demonstrate the -transition can be accurately modeled by a stretched exponential function, consistent with a nucleation-free, continuous reordering of the vacancy-bearing sublattice. The experimental result is supported by kinetic Monte Carlo simulations that confirm the activation energy for the transition to be 1.10.1eVrepresenting the iron vacancy migration energy in ordered Fe1xS. A mechanistic understanding of the -transition enables potential functional uses of Fe1xS such as thermally activated magnetic memory, switches, or storage.

published proceedings


author list (cited authors)

  • Herbert, F. W., Krishnamoorthy, A., Yildiz, B., & Van Vliet, K. J.

citation count

  • 18

complete list of authors

  • Herbert, F William||Krishnamoorthy, Aravind||Yildiz, Bilge||Van Vliet, Krystyn J

publication date

  • March 2015