Data on inheritance of race 2 anthracnose resistance in watermelon (Citrullus spp.) biparental mapping populations.
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Anthracnose of watermelon is caused by a fungal pathogen Colletotrichum orbiculare. We generated F2 individuals from three different populations: Population 1 (PI 189225 x 'New Hampshire Midget'), Population 2 ('Perola' x PI 189225), and Population 3 ('Verona' x PI 189225). The biparental F2 populations, parents and F1 individuals were inoculated with an isolate of race 2 anthracnose isolated from watermelon. Leaf lesions were visually rated seven days post inoculation on a scale of 0% (no lesion) to 100% (dead true leaf). Here we present the datasets obtained after the disease inoculation. The distribution of data obtained was visualized using histograms and goodness-of-fit was tested using Chi-Square. These datasets provide information on the mode of inheritance of race 2 anthracnose resistance in watermelon.