awards grant
- 104B State Water Resources Research Institute Program
- Advanced Pretreatment for Nanofiltration of Brackish Surface Water: Fouling Control and Water Quality-Improvements
- Analysis of Lead in Various Matrices in accordance with Section B and Appendix A.
- Blood indices of life-history constraints in wild caribou bulls
- Catalog 3060063 - Analytical Services Proposal to USFWS
- Catalog 7010030 - Analytical Services Proposal to USFWS
- Catalog 9050119 - Analytical Services Proposal to USFWS
- Catalog 9050135 - Analytical Services Proposal to USFWS
- Coral Reef Ocean Acidification Sentinel Site in the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary: Data Collection and Analysis
- Cost Modeling of Membrane Desalination Processes Using Reclamation’s Water Model
- DOI - FWS - Organic Analytical Services
- Determination of impact of Great Lakes Restoration Initiative funded agricultural best management practices through SWAT modeling
- Disease Risks To Whooping Cranes Determined By Non-Invasive Sampling and Analysis of Sandhill Cranes As Surrogates
- Endangered Species Act, Recovery Science Support
- Fire-smart southwestern riparian landscape management and restoration of native biodiversity in view of species of conservation concern and the impacts of tamarisk beetles.
- Florida Key Deer and Fresh Waterhole Monitoring Biological Technical Work Plan
- Genomics of the Desert Massasauga (Sistrurus tergeminus edwardsii)
- IPA for Penny Riggs, Department of Interior
- Inorganic Analytical Services in Support of USFWS’ Analytical Control Facility
- Key deer population estimate survey and Post De-listing Monitoring Plan
- Linking satellite and soil data to validate coastal wetland "blue carbon" inventories: upscaled support for developing MRV and REDD+ protocols
- Operation and Maintenance of the Ocean Energy Safety Institute (OESI)
- PCR optimization for the identification and diagnosis of microsporidia in federally listed Eurycea salamanders and voriconazole Treatment
- Precambrian Bedrock Mapping Of The Southern Highland Mountains, Madison County Montana: Twin Bridges SW and Nez Perce Hollow Quadrangles
- Quantifying Dissolved Free Amino Acid Levels in Landlocked AtlanticSalmon Rivers and Hatcherie
- Restoration Scoping and Historical Assessment Along West Matagorda Bay from Carancahua Bay to Keller Bay
- Screwworm Assessment and Monitoring for Florida Key Deer
- State Water Resources Research Institute Program Funds
- Technical Science-Analytical Service