1491-PUB: Demographic and Psychosocial Predictors of Diabetes Risk and Glycemic Control in Hispanic/Latino Adults uri icon


  • In the U.S., Hispanic/Latino adults face a disproportionate burden of type 2 diabetes (T2D) , in part due to biological factors, including poor glucose control, and diagnosis delays. Beyond biology, social and environmental factors account for majority of risk for T2D progression. In this study, demographic and psychosocial predictors of T2D diagnosis and glycemic control were evaluated among Hispanic/Latino adults with T2D (Morales et al., in BMC Endocrine Disorders, 2020) . T2D was reported by 83% of participants (N=187; 90% Mexican-origin) . Of those with T2D, 69% were female (vs. 47% without T2D) , average age was 58.810.2 years (vs. 52.712.1 years without T2D) , and 60% had HbA1c < 7%. Females with T2D had a weight of 165.431.9; males 172.326.3 lbs. (vs. 164.336.4 for females and 180.530.5 lbs. for males without T2D) . A categorical classification algorithm (Rokach & Maimon, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook, 2010) identified T2D diagnosis as most strongly predicted by older age, lower weight, and greater perceived stress (Figure 1A) . Poor glycemic control was most strongly predicted by faith/spirituality, trust in physician, and depression symptomatology (Figure 1B) . T2D interventions for Hispanic/Latino adults should consider how demographic and psychosocial determinants differentially impact and perhaps even predict T2D risk, diagnosis, and glycemic control outcomes. Disclosure S.A. Fields: None. N.M. Glantz: Research Support; Abbott. D. Kerr: Advisory Panel; Abbott Diabetes, Novo Nordisk A/S, Sanofi. Consultant; Evidation Health. Research Support; Novo Nordisk A/S. Stock/Shareholder; Glooko, Inc., Hi.Health.

published proceedings

  • Diabetes

author list (cited authors)

  • VITUS, D., REGAN, T., FIELDS, S. A., GLANTZ, N. M., & KERR, D.

citation count

  • 0

complete list of authors


publication date

  • June 2022