Experimental and computational model approach to assess the photothermal effects in transparent nanocrystalline yttria stabilized zirconia cranial implant.
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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: In the last few years, we have been exploring the use of transparent nanocrystalline yttria-stabilized zirconia (nc-YSZ) ceramics as a biomedical transparent cranial implant, referred as the "Window to the Brain" (WttB). The WttB aims at providing chronical optical access to the brain for diagnostics and therapeutic procedures and it has shown to provide an effective means to obtain enhanced results from optical imaging techniques. The objective of this work is to explore the photothermal effects of the Wttb produced when it is irradiated by a laser source. METHODS: We make experimental and computer models. The thermal effects of laser irradiation on the nc-YSZ samples were evaluated upon registering the induced temperature changes by means of thermal imaging. The computer models try to mimic the experimental models using a similar geometry, reproducing the physical situation by a couple thermal-optical problem and adjusting the main parameters from the experimental results. RESULTS: Experimental and computational coincides in results: Temperatures at the bottom surface of the implant does not exceed those which produce thermal damage. The quantitative comparison between experimental and computational models show that differences in results are under a reasonable value of 5% and qualitatively we observe a similar behavior. The results provide optimum values for the thermal-optical nc-YSZ parameters considering a linear and exponential relationship with temperature for the absorption coefficient: The thermal conductivity is k=2.13W/mK and the absorption coefficient varies from 426 to 526m-1 with the linear relationship, and k=2.04W/mK and [433,502]m-1 with the exponential. The reflection coefficient is R=19% in both cases. CONCLUSIONS: The temperatures achieved in the nc-YSZ during the laser irradiation are suitable for biomedical applications. The combination of experimental and computational models contributes to build a clinically oriented model with the thermal-optical parameters values stablished and to determine their influence in results. Specifically, the absorption coefficient of the nc-YSZ samples is the most influent parameter in the obtained temperatures. Moreover, this combination provides a method to evaluate the relevant thermal-optical parameters of nc-YSZ samples obtained with different manufacturing processes.