selected publications academicarticle Maghreby, S., Yazdi, S. H., Ghalehnoee, M., Motalebi, G., & Caffey, S. (2021). Urban spatial structure in central Iran: introduction & analysis of sahe-ja. Journal of Urbanism: international research on placemaking and urban sustainability. 14(1), 75-96. Caffey, S. M., & Campagnol, G. (2015). Dis/Solution: Lina Bo Bardi's Museu de Arte de Sao Paulo. Journal of Conservation and Museum Studies. 13(1), art.-5. Caffey, S. (2013). Make/Shift/Shelter: Architecture and the Failure of Global Systems. Architectural Histories. 1(1), art.-18. Caffey, S. (2009). PRIVILEGING THE TEXT, SUBORDINATING THE IMAGE. Reviews in American History. 37(4), 521-528. chapter Campagnol, G., Caffey, S., Clayton, M. J., Glowacki, K., Klein, N., Kang, J., & Booth, G. (2020). Unreal Projects: Using Immersive Visualization to Learn About Distant and Historical Locales. Digital Cities: Between History and Archaeology. (pp. 279-298). Oxford University Press. conference paper Safarova, B., Ledesma, E., Luhan, G., Caffey, S., & Giusti, C. (2015). Learning from Collaborative Integration The Hackathon as Design Charrette. ECAADE 2020: ANTHROPOLOGIC - ARCHITECTURE AND FABRICATION IN THE COGNITIVE AGE, VOL 1. 233-240. McNamara, A., Booth, T., Sridharan, S., Caffey, S., Grimm, C., & Bailey, R. (2012). Directing gaze in narrative art. 63-70.
teaching activities ANTH484 Anthropology Internship Instructor ANTH685 Directed Studies Instructor ARCH249 Survey World Arch His I Instructor ARCH250 Survey World Arch His Ii Instructor ARCH281 Seminar In Contemporary Arch Instructor ARCH353 History Of Product Design Instructor ARCH441 Baroque & Rococo Arch Instructor ARCH481 Seminar Instructor ARCH485 Directed Studies Instructor ARCH644 Art & Architectural Hist Instructor ARCH681 Seminar Instructor ARCH685 Directed Studies Instructor ARCH690 Research Ideol For Arch Instructor ARCH691 Research Instructor ARCH691 Research: In-absentia Instructor ARTS150 Art History Survey Ii Instructor ARTS329 Texas Art History Instructor ARTS330 The Arts Of America Instructor ARTS349 History Of Modern Art Instructor ARTS485 Directed Studies Instructor CARC698 Writing For Publication Instructor ENDS101 Design Process Instructor ENDS101 Design Process Instructor VIZA685 Directed Studies Instructor VIZA691 Research Instructor VIZA693 Professional Study Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Catao Cartaxo Loureiro, Livia (2020-11). The Enabler Architect: Towards a Framework for Participation in Social Housing. Dixit, Madhavi Manish (2021-03). Therapists' Attitudes and Beliefs Towards Nature-based Enrichment in Counseling Rooms for Children and Adolescents: A Mixed-method Study. Madhani, Himanshu 1986- (2012-11). Assessing the Potential of Developing a Tool for Residential Facility Management Using Building Information Modeling Software. Ostadalimakhmalbaf, Mohammadreza (2018-07). Investigating the Factors Impacting Hispanic Students' Retention in Higher-Education Construction Programs. Safarova, Bara (2019-11). INCREMENTAL CONSTRUCTION AND HOUSE VALUE SEGREGATION: THE CASE OF BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS ON THE UNITED STATES-MEXICO BORDER. Saseendran, Anusree (2021-07). Community Engagement and Outreach in the Construction Industry. Serna, Mario Abraham (2019-12). Housing Paradox. Sherow, Ernestene (2015-05). "Spoiled and Unspoiled": An Autoethnography and Arts-Based Installation on Violence Against Women and Femicide. Westwater, James Andrew (2017-05). Unknown Architectures: Agnes Martin and Ian Curtis.
education and training Ph.D. in Art History, The University of Texas at Austin - (Austin, Texas, United States) 2008 M.A. in Art History, The University of Texas at Austin - (Austin, Texas, United States) 2001 B.A. in American Studies, with Honors, The University of Texas at Austin - (Austin, Texas, United States) 1992
awards and honors Association of Former Students College-Level Teaching Distinguished Achievement Award, The, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2017 Wells-Fargo Honors Faculty Mentor Award, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2011 Student Recognition Award for Teaching Excellence, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2010