The coordination between penicillin-binding protein 1a (PBP1a) and the hydrolytic peptidase DacB determines the integrity of bacterial cell poles Institutional Repository Document uri icon


  • AbstractPeptidoglycan (PG) defines cell shape and protects bacteria against osmotic stress. The growth and integrity of PG require coordinated actions between synthases that insert new PG strands and hydrolases that generate openings to allow the insertion. However, the mechanisms of their coordination remain elusive. Here we show that moenomycin that inhibits a family of PG synthases known as Class-A penicillin-binding proteins (aPBPs), triggers cell lysis despite aPBPs being non-essential for cell integrity. We demonstrate that inhibited PBP1a2, an aPBP, accelerates the degradation of cell poles by DacB, a hydrolytic PG peptidase, in the bacterium Myxococcus xanthus. Moenomycin reduces the mobility of DacB molecules through PBP1a2, potentially promoting the binding between DacB and PG. Conversely, DacB also regulates the distribution and dynamics of aPBPs. These findings reveal the lethal action of moenomycin and suggest that disrupting the coordination between PG synthases and hydrolases could be more lethal than eliminating individual enzymes.

altmetric score

  • 2.6

author list (cited authors)

  • Zhang, H., Venkatesan, S., Ng, E., & Nan, B.

citation count

  • 0

complete list of authors

  • Zhang, Huan||Venkatesan, Srutha||Ng, Emily||Nan, Beiyan

Book Title

  • bioRxiv

publication date

  • March 2022