Giant H II Regions in M81 uri icon


  • Giant HII regions are important tracers of recent star formation in distant galaxies. For a selection of HII regions in our galaxy where the exciting stars can be identified, Rumstay (1985) finds that the measured H and radio continuum luminosities of an HII region correlate with the stellar ionizing flux derived from model atmospheres and the known exciting stars. Therefore, we use flux measurements of giant HII regions as an index of the distribution of O stars in M81.

published proceedings

  • Symposium - International Astronomical Union

author list (cited authors)

  • Kaufman, M., Kennicutt, R. C., & Bash, F. N.

citation count

  • 1

complete list of authors

  • Kaufman, Michele||Kennicutt, RC||Bash, FN

publication date

  • January 1986