An explainable integrated optimization methodology for source apportionment of ambient particulate matter components.
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Source apportionment of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) components is crucial for air pollution control. Prediction accuracies by the chemical transport model (CTM) significantly affect source apportionment results. Many efforts have been made to improve source apportionment results based on the CTM using mathematical algorithms, but the reasons for uncertainties in source apportionment results are less concerned. Here, an integrated optimization methodology is developed to quantify deviations from emission inventory and chemical mechanism in the model for improving prediction and source apportionment accuracies. Emission deviations of primary aerosols and gaseous pollutants are firstly calculated by an optimization algorithm with observation and receptor model constraints. Emission inventory is then adjusted for a new CTM simulation. Deviations from chemical mechanism for secondary conversions are evaluated by biases between observations and new predictions. Source apportionment results are adjusted according to both emission and chemical mechanism deviations. A winter month in 2016at the Qingpu supersite in eastern China is selected as a case study. Results show that our integrated optimization methodology can successfully adjust emissions to pull original predictions towards observations. Total deviations of emissions for elemental carbon, organic carbon, primary sulfate, primary nitrate, primary ammonium, sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and ammonia (NH3) are estimated +59.6%, +95.9%, +72.9%, +82.2%, +75.9%, -6.4%, +67.6% and -17.6%, respectively. Also, major directions of deviations from chemical mechanisms can be captured. Deviations from SO2 to secondary sulfate, nitrogen dioxide (NO2) to secondary nitrate and NH3 to secondary ammonium conversions are estimated -77.3%, +27.1% and -38.8%, respectively. Consequently, source apportionment results are significantly improved. This developed methodology provides an efficient way to quantify deviations from emissions and chemical mechanisms to improve source apportionment for air pollution management.