selected publications academicarticle Carlson, D. N., & Pulak, C. (2021). George Fletcher Bass (1932-2021). American Journal of Archaeology. 125(3), 471-474. Carlson, D. N. (2021). In Memoriam: George F. Bass (1932-2021). Journal of Maritime Archaeology. 16(2), 93-99. Carlson, D. N. (2016). The Underwater Recovery of Monumental Marble Column Drums from an Ancient Shipwreck at Kazalburun, Turkey. Journal of Maritime Archaeology. 11(2), 219-230. Carlson, D. N., & Aylward, W. (2010). The Kizilburun Shipwreck and the Temple of Apollo at Claros. American Journal of Archaeology. 114(1), 145-159. Carlson, D. N. (2009). SEEING THE SEA SHIPS' EYES IN CLASSICAL GREECE. Hesperia. 78(3), 347-365. Delgado, J. P. (2008). Late Hellenistic or Roman Ship Excavation at Kzlburun, Turkey [section in Nautical and Maritime Archaeology, 20062007 Seasons]. American Journal of Archaeology. 112(2), 320-321. Carlson, D. N. (2007). Mast-step coins among the Romans. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology. 36(2), 317-324. Carlson, D. N. (2003). The Classical Greek Shipwreck at Tekta Burnu, Turkey. American Journal of Archaeology. 107(4), 581-600. Carlson, D. N (2002). Caligula's floating palaces. Archaeology. 55(3), 20-31. Carlson, D. N (2002). Caligula's Floating Palaces-Archaeologists And Shipwrights Resurrect One Of The Emperor's Sumptuous Pleasure Boats. Archaeology. 55(3), 26-31. book Carlson, D. N., Leidwanger, J., & Kampbell, S. M. (2015). Maritime studies in the wake of the byzantine shipwreck at Yassiada, Turkey. Texas A&M University Press. chapter Carlson, D. N. (2017). ships of Lake Nemi, the. Goldberg, S. M. (Eds.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Classics. Oxford University Press (OUP). Aylward, W., & Carlson, D. N. (2017). Excavation and Analysis of the Kzlburun Column Wreck: Construction Processes of Doric Peristyle Columns in the Late Hellenistic and Early Roman Periods. Steadman, S. R., & McMahon, G. (Eds.), The Archaeology of Anatolia Volume II Recent Discoveries (2015-2016). (pp. 230-256). Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Carlson, D. N. (2012). The Seafarers and Shipwrecks of Ancient Greece and Rome. Catsambis, A., Ford, B., & Hamilton, D. L. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Maritime Archaeology. (pp. 379-405). Oxford University Press. review Carlson, D. Book Review of The Hellenistic Harbour of Amathus: Underwater Excavations, 19841986. Vols. 1, 2. Vol. 1 by Jean-Yves Empereur and Tony Koelj; Vol. 2 edited by Jean-Yves Empereur. American Journal of Archaeology.
principal investigator on An Illustrated Multilingual Lexicon of Nautical Terminology and Shipbuilding Technology awarded by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 2021 - 2023 Richard C. MacDonald Iliad Endowment for Archaeological Research awarded by Archaeological Institute of America - (New York, New York, United States) 2018 Kızılburun Column Wreck Excavation awarded by Samuel H. Kress Foundation - (New York, New York, United States) 2009
co-principal investigator on A Shipwrecked Ancient Marble Column Destined for the Temple of Apollo at Claros awarded by Andrew W. Mellon Foundation - (New York, New York, United States) 2012 - 2015 Archaeological Excavation of an Ancient Shipwreck at Godavaya, Sri Lanka awarded by National Endowment for the Humanities - (Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States) 2011 - 2014
teaching activities ANTH316 Nautical Archaeology Instructor ANTH353 Archaeology Ancnt Greece Instructor ANTH354 Archaeology Ancnt Italy Instructor ANTH485 Directed Studies Instructor ANTH491 Research Instructor ANTH491 Research: In-ab Instructor ANTH613 Classical Seafaring Instructor ANTH685 Directed Studies Instructor ANTH691 Research Instructor CLAS221 Intermediate Latin Instructor CLAS222 Intermediate Latin Ii Instructor CLAS330 Women Ancnt Greece Rome Instructor CLAS353 Archaeology Ancnt Greece Instructor CLAS354 Archaeology Ancnt Italy Instructor HIST330 Women Ancnt Greece Rome Instructor WGST330 Women Ancnt Greece Rome Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Atkins, Carrie E. (2010-07). More than a Hull: Religious Ritual and Sacred Space on Board the Ancient Ship. Bartoli, Dante Giuliano (2009-05). Marble Transport in the Time of the Severans: A New Analysis of the Punta Scifo a Shipwreck at Croton, Italy. Brown, Heather Gale (2011-10). A Study of Lead Ingot Cargoes from Ancient Mediterranean Shipwrecks. Collins, Claire 1984- (2012-12). Amphora Graffiti from the Byzantine Shipwreck at Novy Svet, Crimea. Daniel, Joshua A. (2010-01). Etruscan Amphorae and Trade in the Western Mediterranean, 800-400 B.C.E.. Dimucci, Arianna Michelle (2015-12). An Ancient Iron Cargo in the Indian Ocean: The Godavaya Shipwreck. Kapahnke, Sheri Louise (2020-08). Applying Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) to an Archaeological Site Under Water. Littlefield, Johnny 1967- (2012-11). The Hull Remains of the Late Hellenistic Shipwreck at Kizilburun, Turkey. Mattson, Rebecca Elizabeth (2018-12). Lighthouses in Antiquity: Case Studies of the Lighthouses at Dover, England; Patara, Turkey; and Leptis Magna, North Africa. Pianavilla, Sara M (2020-11). Women and the Ancient Mediterranean Sea, 6th-1st Centuries BCE. Rash, Kimberly 1981- (2012-11). Reconstructing the Assemblage of Iron Artifacts from the Late Hellenistic Shipwreck at Kizilburun, Turkey. Streuding, Jaclyn Haley (2014-06). Success at Sea: Maritime Votive Offerings and Naval Dedications in Antiquity. Tisdale, Dhillon Ross (2021-05). A Catalog of Armament from Ancient Mediterranean Shipwrecks, 14th-1st Centuries BCE. Traster-Lee, Loyalty Nerys Shi We (2021-01). An Artifact Assemblage from the Ancient Shipwreck at Godavaya, Sri Lanka. Watson, Philip L (2017-04). The Intrusive Ceramics from the Late Hellenistic 'Column Wreck' at Kizilburun, Turkey. Willis, Staci Dawn (2016-04). Constructing Identity: The Roman-Era Northwestern Adriatic Laced Tradition of Boatbuilding.
education and training Ph.D. in Classics, The University of Texas at Austin - (Austin, Texas, United States) 2004 M.A. in Classical Archaeology, University of Arizona - (Tucson, Arizona, United States) 1995 B.A. in Classics, University of Arizona - (Tucson, Arizona, United States) 1992
awards and honors Association of Former Students College-Level Teaching Distinguished Achievement Award, The, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2014 Collaborative Research Grant (Carlson, Deborah), conferred by National Endowment for the Humanities - (Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States), 2011