Successful Horizontal Drilling in Western Siberia: Use of Appropriate, Cost-Effective Technology Solutions to Increase Well Productivity Conference Paper uri icon


  • Abstract The introduction of Western horizontal drilling techniques into Siberia has achieved outstanding results for Sibneft, a Russian independent operator. Before 2000, vertical or directional S-shape wells were being drilled to develop the Sibneft-NoyabrskNeftegaz oil fields using local techniques provided by Siberian drilling contractors. An alliance with a major Western service provider made possible a Western-Russian design group familiar with all available options. The group created an ideal marriage of Western and Russian fit-for-purpose equipment, procedures, and techniques for a cost-efficient horizontal well design. The methodology applied in this project is a fusion of classic Russian drilling techniques, i.e., compact rigs skidding on a rail system with aluminum drillpipe with Russian turbines to drill tophole sections, coupled with modern horizontal technology such as steerable motors and mud pulse telemetry measurement-while-drilling (MWD) and logging-while-drilling (LWD) systems. To date, 90 wells have been drilled with a progressive learning curve enabling wells to be drilled to around 4000 m (with more than 1000 m of horizontal section) in less than 48 days that at the start of the campaign were taking more than 100 days. The successful integration of these cost-effective solutions has been pivotal in helping Sibneft approach its production targets. Today the 90 wells drilled in the last 3 years (out of 4,500 total wells) account for approximately 175,000 BOPD, or one quarter of total Sibneft production. The cooperation of reservoir and drilling engineering teams from the service provider and the operator was critical to project accomplishments.

name of conference

  • All Days

published proceedings

  • All Days

author list (cited authors)

  • Diyashev, I., Lishchuk, V. Y., Aker, G., Bustos, O., & Prakash, L.

citation count

  • 3

complete list of authors

  • Diyashev, Iskander||Lishchuk, Vasiliy Yurivich||Aker, Gokhan||Bustos, Oswaldo||Prakash, Leslie

publication date

  • January 2004