GT-style rubber-fiberglass (RF) timing belts are designed to effectively transfer rotational motion from pulleys to linear motion in small machines and mechatronic systems. One of the characteristics of belts under this type of loading condition is that the length between load and pulleys changes during operation, thereby changing their effective stiffness. It has been shown that the effective stiffness of such a belt is a function of a "nominal stiffness" and the real-time belt section lengths. However, this nominal stiffness is not necessarily constant; it is common to assume linear proportional stiffness, but this often results in system modeling error. This technical note describes a brief study where the nominal stiffness of two lengths (400 mm and 760 mm ) of GT-2 RF timing belts was tested up to breaking point; regression analysis was performed on the results to best model the observed stiffness. The study was replicated three times, providing a total of six stiffness curves. It was found that cubic regression models (R^2 < 0.999) were the best fit, but that quadratic and linear models still provided acceptable representations of the whole dataset with R^2 values above 0.940.