Hydrophilic zeolite coatings for improved heat transfer: A quantitative analysis uri icon


  • AbstractThe wetting diameter and life time of a water droplet on the surface of a bare, ZSM5 coated, and ZeoliteA coated stainless steel 304 substrate at different initial surface temperatures was experimentally studied. ZSM5 and ZeoliteA coated SS304 are more much more hydrophilic than bare stainless steel 304 as reflected by their contact angles (27 and 0 vs. 90). The ZSM5 and ZeoliteA coatings significantly outperformed the bare SS304 by decreasing the droplet life time, increasing the heat flux and increasing the heat transfer coefficient at all initial surface temperatures studied. At the highest surface temperature studied, T0 = 200C, ZSM5, and ZeoliteA coatings are shown to increase the maximum heat flux on bare SS304 by as much as 106% and 72%, respectively. At this temperature, the maximum heat transfer coefficients on ZSM5 and ZeoliteA coatings are improved by 470% and 530% over the bare SS304, respectively. 2008 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2008

published proceedings


author list (cited authors)

  • Liu, J., Aguilar, G., Munoz, R., & Yan, Y.

complete list of authors

  • Liu, Jie||Aguilar, Guillermo||Munoz, Ronnie||Yan, Yushan
