Theranostic cranial implant for hyperspectral light delivery and microcirculation imaging without scalp removal Institutional Repository Document uri icon


  • Light based techniques for imaging, diagnosing and treating the brain have become widespread clinical tools, but application of these techniques is limited by optical attenuation in the scalp and skull. This optical attenuation reduces the achievable spatial resolution, precluding the visualization of small features such as brain microvessels. The goal of this study was to assess a strategy for providing ongoing optical access to the brain without the need for repeated craniectomy or retraction of the scalp. This strategy involves the use of a transparent cranial implant and skin optical clearing agents, and was tested in mice to assess improvements in optical access which could be achieved for laser speckle imaging of cerebral microvasculature. Combined transmittance of the optically cleared scalp overlying the transparent cranial implant was as high as 89% in the NIR range, 50% in red range, 24% in green range, and 20% in blue range.In vivolaser speckle imaging experiments of mouse cerebral blood vessels showed that the proposed optical access increased signal-to-noise ratio and image resolution, allowing for visualization of microvessels through the transparent implant, which was not possible through the uncleared scalp and intact skull.

author list (cited authors)

  • Davoodzadeh, N., Cano-Velzquez, M. S., Jonak, C. R., Halaney, D. L., Binder, D. K., Hernndez-Cordero, J. A., & Aguilar, G.

complete list of authors

  • Davoodzadeh, Nami||Cano-Velázquez, Mildred S||Jonak, Carrie R||Halaney, David L||Binder, Devin K||Hernández-Cordero, Juan A||Aguilar, Guillermo

Book Title

  • bioRxiv