'Cultural Heritage 360' is based upon the premise that arts and humanities have the potential to lead, successfully, innovative interdisciplinary research, embracing sciences and social sciences. One of the most promising and timely areas for such collaboration is cultural heritage, which faces, locally and globally, unprecedented challenges in a fast-transforming world, with rapid technological developments and environmental change. Cultural record is a vital part of contemporary identity and a key element within the AHRC and UKRI strategies for economic growth, social well-being, and UK-led global research.
The purpose of the scoping exercise is to identify the potential for Arts and Humanities-led interdisciplinary research into cultural heritage and its record, that is, artefacts, widely conceived: from manuscripts to ceramics, from textiles to sculpture. The '360' approach involves the holistic understanding of an artefact, integrating its content and meaning with analysis of its physical composition and form. This approach foregrounds and requires interdisciplinary engagement, bringing scientists and social scientists together with A&H scholars. The '360' interpretative framework also embraces the intangible heritage of such artefacts and the ethical sensitivities required in their interpretation and presentation.
'Cultural Heritage 360' is organised around five themes: Arts and Science: Technology; Interdisciplinary Modelling; Cultural Content and Value; Cultural Assets and Digital Presentation; Cultural Heritage and Creative Industry. Each will be the subject of an international workshop with 25 participants, from early career onwards, representing different disciplines, sectors, funders, and creative industries. Every workshop will begin with an exemplary project, that is an example of successful Arts and Humanities-led multi-disciplinary collaboration, to start discussion, followed by sessions for sharing knowledge, fleshing out areas of synergy, exploring the funding landscape and a final plenary session.
The scoping exercise will be led by members of the core investigative team, chosen for expertise across a wide range of fields, at different career stages, and of different backgrounds, to ensure a full spectrum of perspectives, questions, and insights. The investigators will shape the intellectual agenda in the initial stages of the exercise, lead the workshops, and draw together the final report. The report, to be compiled by Professor Stephen Taylor, the Principal Investigator, will lay out the areas for potential research, particular ideas for projects and collaboration to have emerged from the scoping exercise, and assess and evaluate both the process and the results.