selected publications academicarticle Sukumar, S., Weijermars, R., Alves, I., & Noynaert, S. (2019). Analysis of Pressure Communication between the Austin Chalk and Eagle Ford Reservoirs during a Zipper Fracturing Operation. Energies. 12(8), 1469-1469. Weijermars, R., van Harmelen, A., Zuo, L., Alves, I. N., & Yu, W. (2018). Flow Interference Between Hydraulic Fractures. SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering. 21(04), 942-960. Weijermars, R., van Harmelen, A., Zuo, L., Alves, I. N., & Yu, W. (2018). Flow Interference Between Hydraulic Fractures. SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering. 21(4), 942-960. Weijermars, R., & Alves, I. N. (2018). High-resolution visualization of flow velocities near frac-tips and flow interference of multi-fracked Eagle Ford wells, Brazos County, Texas. JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. 165, 946-961. Weijermars, R., Alves, I. N., Rowan, M. G., & Flores, D. B. (2017). Benchmark of deepwater field development projects in the Perdido foldbelt: Evaluating fiscal impacts (Mexico, and US) using a nodal analysis production model. Energy Policy. 109(C), 898-915. Blasco Flores, D., Alves, I., & Weijermars, R (2016). Mexico energy reform: assessment of deepwater royalty mechanism. First Break. 34(12), 93-96. Alves, I. (2011). Technology Focus: Intelligent Fields Technology (May 2011). JPT, Journal of Petroleum Technology. 63(05), 76-76. Alves, I. (2010). Technology Focus: Intelligent Fields Technology (May 2010). JPT, Journal of Petroleum Technology. 62(05), 48-48. Alves, I (2009). Technology Focus: Intelligent Fields Technology (May 2009). JPT, Journal of Petroleum Technology. 61(05), 56-56. Alves, I. N., Shoham, O., & Taitel, Y. (1993). Drift velocity of elongated bubbles in inclined pipes. Chemical Engineering Science (CES). 48(17), 3063-3070. Alves, I. N., Alhanati, F., & Shoham, O (1992). A Unified Model for Predicting Flowing Temperature Distribution in Wellbores and Pipelines. SPE Production Engineering. 7(04), 363-367. Alves, I. N., Caetano, E. F., Minami, K., & Shoham, O (1991). Modeling Annular Flow Behavior for Gas Wells. SPE Production Engineering. 6(04), 435-440. conference paper Alves, I. N., Islam, R., & de Sousa Segundo, J. (2023). Matrix Formulation for Simultaneous Calculations of Pressure and Temperature in Wells and Pipelines Hudson, J. D., Alves, I., & Khoshkbarchi, M. (2011). Formalization and Standardization of the Smart Well Modeling Workflow Hiebert, A., Khoshkbarchi, M., Sammon, P., Alves, I., Rodrigues, J. R., Belien, A., ... Valvatne, P. (2011). An Advanced Framework for Simulating Connected Reservoirs, Wells and Production Facilities Cardoso, C. B., Alves, I. N., & Ribeiro, G. S. (2003). Management of Flow Assurance Constraints Camargo, R., Alves, I. N., & Prado, M. G. (1997). Advances In Artificial Lift And Boosting Systems For Subsea Completion
teaching activities PETE325 Petr Production Systems Instructor PETE410 Production Engineering Instructor PETE416 Solv Com Prod Engr Probs Instructor PETE491 Hnr-research Instructor PETE491 Hnr-research Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Petroleum Engineering, University of Tulsa - (Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States) 1991 M.S. in Petroleum Engineering, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto - (Ouro Preto, Brazil) 1987 B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro - (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 1979
mailing address Texas A&M University Petroleum Engineering 3116 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-3116 USA