Temples, shrines, religious monuments and some of the earliest buildings in time were built upon the foundation of influencing human emotion. Places which awe and inspire those that encounter these magnificent spaces was the original blueprint. As time has passed, there are still places which thrive on the intended emotional impact such as casinos, haunted houses, and government buildings. Now it has been proven that design can mentally and physically heal. Healthcare facilities are implementing design techniques which render a physiological change and a positive state of mind. Techniques like these, which positively enhance the user experience, should be employed in every new construction project, regardless of the building type. A Department of Motor Vehicles in Austin, Texas is used to demonstrate a variety of thresholds and the impact these thresholds have on the overall quality of the architectural experience. The architectural threshold is defined as a transitional link between two unrelated spaces. This in-between space marks a passageway with the opportunity to act as a transformative space. To create an effective liminal transition, there are multiple design characteristics to introduce including layering, blurring, and ambiguity. These characteristics are meant to alter the mentality of the occupant as they move through the threshold and allow for a clear and fresh mindset as they enter the adjoining space. Through the careful design of such thresholds, the predetermined emotional responses can be achieved with any design.