Stories from the Greenhouse-A Brief on Cotton Seed Germination. uri icon


  • Seed germination is the basis for the proliferation of sexual-reproducing plants, efficient crop production, and a successful crop improvement research program. Cotton (Gossypium spp.), the subject of this review, can be often sensitive to germination conditions. The hardness of the cotton seed coat, storage, extreme temperatures, and dormancy are some of the factors that can influence cotton seed germination. Research programs conducting studies on exotic and wild cotton species are especially affected by those hurdles. Here, we briefly review the challenges of cotton seed germination and some of the approaches our cotton breeding program explored throughout the years.

published proceedings

  • Plants (Basel)

altmetric score

  • 0.75

author list (cited authors)

  • Maeda, A. B., Wells, L. W., Sheehan, M. A., & Dever, J. K.

citation count

  • 7

complete list of authors

  • Maeda, Andrea B||Wells, Leslie W||Sheehan, Monica A||Dever, Jane K

publication date

  • December 2021


published in