Recent Advances of Nanomaterials in Membranes for Osmotic Energy Harvesting by Pressure Retarded Osmosis
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Energy and water issues are the two main global challenges faced by human in the past decade. The rapid growth in global energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions have encouraged the exploration of renewable energy sources as substitute fuels. Osmotic energy (or salinity-gradient energy) is the energy released when water with different salinities is mixed, such as rivers and oceans. By employing a semipermeable membrane to control the mixing process, the osmotic pressure gradient energy can be generated in terms of electrical power via pressure retarded osmosis (PRO) without causing adverse environmental impacts. This work presents a review of the fabrication of thin film nanocomposite (TFN) membranes which are customized to offer high flux in forward osmosis (FO) and high osmotic power in PRO. The hydraulic pressure during PRO processes is less than RO processes so membranes that are used for PRO are less likely to foul. The application of these nanomaterials incorporated with TFN membranes for power generation through PRO is still a new field to be explored. Despite some promising findings obtained from this work, there is always room for improvement.