publisher of
- "Ali Even Motivates the Dead": The Pursuit of Sovereignty in Norman Mailer's The Fight. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America. 128:322-+. 2013
- The Story of a (Failed?) Hybrid Experiment. ADFL Bulletin. 64-69. 2011
- The antipanopticon of Etheridge Knight. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America. 123:580-+. 2008
- The consent of the governed in Ishmael Reed's The 'Freelance Pallbearers'. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America. 123:422-+. 2008
- Blindness Envy: Victorians in the Parlors of the Blind. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America. 127:512-+.
- Ethnography, Thievery, and Cultural Identity: A Rereading of Michel Leiris's L'Afrique fantme. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America. 112:229-242.
- Introduction. Profession. 2011:123-201.
- Keeping in Touch and out of Trouble: E-mail, the Web, and the Job Search. ADE Bulletin. 7-10.
- Talking about Benefits: Why, When, and What Faculty Members Need to Know. ADE Bulletin. 82-88.
- Teaching the Market: Graduate Placement in the Classroom. ADE Bulletin. 14-18.
- Writing Letters of Recommendation for Academic Jobs. ADE Bulletin. 44-47.