Fatal pedestrian crashes at intersections: Trend mining using association rules.
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In 2018, about 6,677 pedestrians were killed on the US roadways. Around one-fourth of these crashes happened at intersections or near intersection locations. This high death toll requires careful investigation. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the characteristics and associated crash scenarios resulting in fatal pedestrian crashes in the US. The current study collected five years (2014-2018) of fatal crash data with additional details of pedestrian crash typing. This dataset provides specifics of scenarios associated with fatal pedestrian crashes. This study applied associated rules mining on four sub-groups, which were determined based on the highest frequencies of fatal crash scenarios. This study also developed the top 20 rules for all four sub-groups and used 'a priori' algorithm with 'lift' as a performance measure. Some of the key variable categories such as dark with lighting condition, vehicle going straight, vehicle turning, local municipality streets, pedestrian age range from 45years and above are frequently presented in the developed rules. The patterns of the rules differ by the pedestrian's position within and outside of crosswalk area. If the pedestrian is outside the crosswalk area, no lighting at dark is associated with high number of crashes. As lift provides quantitative measures in the form of the likelihood, the rules can be transferred into data-driven decision making. The findings of the current study can be used by safety engineers and planners to improve pedestrian safety at intersections.
published proceedings
Accid Anal Prev
author list (cited authors)
Das, S., Tamakloe, R., Zubaidi, H., Obaid, I., & Alnedawi, A.
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Das, Subasish||Tamakloe, Reuben||Zubaidi, Hamsa||Obaid, Ihsan||Alnedawi, Ali