selected publications academicarticle Parker, J. C. (2011). Cheddi Jagan and the Politics of Power: British Guiana's Struggle for Independence. JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY. 98(2), 570-571. Parker, J. C. (2009). "Made-in-America Revolutions" The "Black University" and the American Role in the Decolonization of the Black Atlantic. JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY. 96(3), 727-750. Parker, J. (2006). Cold War II: The Eisenhower Administration, the Bandung Conference, and the Reperiodization of the Postwar Era*. 30(5), 867-892. Parker, J. (2002). Remapping the Cold War in the Tropics: Race, Communism, and National Security in the West Indies. The International History Review. 24(2), 318-347. book Parker, J. C (2016). Hearts, Minds, Voices US Cold War Public Diplomacy and the Formation of the Third World. Oxford University Press. Parker, J. C. (2008). Brother's Keeper. Oxford University Press (OUP). chapter Parker, J. (2018). An Assembly of Peoples in Struggle: How the Cold War Made Latin America Part of the Third World. Jerónimo, M. B., & Monteiro, J. P. (Eds.), Internationalism, Imperialism and the Formation of the Contemporary World. (pp. 307-326). Springer Nature. Parker, J. (2013). Decolonization, the Cold War, and the Post-Columbian Era. McMahon, R. J. (Eds.), The Cold War in the Third World. (pp. 124-138). Oxford University Press. Parker, J. (2011). Ideology, race and nonalignment in US cold war foreign relations: Or, How the cold war racialized neutralism without neutralizing race. Challenging US Foreign Policy: America and the World in the Long Twentieth Century. (pp. 75-98). Parker, J. C. (2010). Crisis Management And Missed Opportunities: U.S. Public Diplomacy And The Creation Of The Third World, 19471950. Osgood, K. A. (Eds.), The United States and Public Diplomacy: New Directions in Cultural and International History. (pp. 225-256). BRILL. Parker, J (2006). Diaspora against empire: Apprehension, expectation, and West Indian anti-Americanism, 1937-1945. Anti-Americanism in Latin America and the Caribbean. (pp. 165-187).
teaching activities HIST106 History Of The U S Instructor HIST289 Sptp: Sports History Instructor HIST463 Amer For Relations Since 1913 Instructor HIST464 Int Dev Since 1918 Instructor HIST481 Seminar In History Instructor HIST491 Research Instructor HIST613 Reading Seminar U.s. In World Instructor HIST685 Directed Studies Instructor HIST685 Directed Studies Instructor HIST685 Directed Studies Instructor HIST691 Research Instructor HIST691 Research Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Crean, Jeffrey 1977- (2012-11). The Turning Point: Perceptions and Policies Concerning Communist China during the Kennedy Years. Crean, Jeffrey Peter (2017-01). With Fear and Favor: A Rising China Threat and the Path to Normalization, 1954-1971. Fasulo, Micheal (2012-02). American Suppliers: The Role of Americans in the Perpetuation and Maintenance of the Postwar Black Market in Germany. Osteria, Tristan Miguel Santos (2016-12). Building From Within: Indigenous Nation-Building and State-Making During the Filipino Third Republic, 1946-1957.
education and training Ph.D., University of Florida - (Gainesville, Florida, United States) 2002 M.A., Vanderbilt University - (Nashville, Tennessee, United States) 1995 B.A., Vanderbilt University - (Nashville, Tennessee, United States) 1992
awards and honors The History of Education Society Prize, conferred by History of Education Society, 2010 Traditional Fulbright Scholarship, conferred by Council for International Exchange of Scholars - (Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States), 2010 Truman Scholar's Award, conferred by Truman Library Institute - (Independence, Missouri, United States), 2010