Dark energy survey year 3 results: weak lensing shape catalogue uri icon


  • ABSTRACT We present and characterize the galaxy shape catalogue from the first 3yr of Dark Energy Survey (DES) observations, over an effective area of 4143deg2 of the southern sky. We describe our data analysis process and our self-calibrating shear measurement pipeline metacalibration, which builds and improves upon the pipeline used in the DES Year 1 analysis in several aspects. The DES Year 3 weak-lensing shape catalogue consists of 100204026 galaxies, measured in the riz bands, resulting in a weighted source number density of neff = 5.59 galarcmin2 and corresponding shape noise e = 0.261. We perform a battery of internal null tests on the catalogue, including tests on systematics related to the point spread function (PSF) modelling, spurious catalogue B-mode signals, catalogue contamination, and galaxy properties.

published proceedings


altmetric score

  • 8.08

author list (cited authors)

  • Gatti, M., Sheldon, E., Amon, A., Becker, M., Troxel, M., Choi, A., ... Collaboration, D.

citation count

  • 119

complete list of authors

  • Gatti, M||Sheldon, E||Amon, A||Becker, M||Troxel, M||Choi, A||Doux, C||MacCrann, N||Navarro-Alsina, A||Harrison, I||Gruen, D||Bernstein, G||Jarvis, M||Secco, LF||Ferte, A||Shin, T||McCullough, J||Rollins, RP||Chen, R||Chang, C||Pandey, S||Tutusaus, I||Prat, J||Elvin-Poole, J||Sanchez, C||Plazas, AA||Roodman, A||Zuntz, J||Abbott, TMC||Aguena, M||Allam, S||Annis, J||Avila, S||Bacon, D||Bertin, E||Bhargava, S||Brooks, D||Burke, DL||Carnero Rosell, A||Carrasco Kind, M||Carretero, J||Castander, FJ||Conselice, C||Costanzi, M||Crocce, M||da Costa, LN||Davis, TM||De Vicente, J||Desai, S||Diehl, HT||Dietrich, JP||Doel, P||Drlica-Wagner, A||Eckert, K||Everett, S||Ferrero, I||Frieman, J||Garcia-Bellido, J||Gerdes, DW||Giannantonio, T||Gruendl, RA||Gschwend, J||Gutierrez, G||Hartley, WG||Hinton, SR||Hollowood, DL||Honscheid, K||Hoyle, B||Huff, EM||Huterer, D||Jain, B||James, DJ||Jeltema, T||Krause, E||Kron, R||Kuropatkin, N||Lima, M||Maia, MAG||Marshall, JL||Miquel, R||Morgan, R||Myles, J||Palmese, A||Paz-Chinchon, F||Rykoff, ES||Samuroff, S||Sanchez, E||Scarpine, V||Schubnell, M||Serrano, S||Sevilla-Noarbe, I||Smith, M||Soares-Santos, M||Suchyta, E||Swanson, MEC||Tarle, G||Thomas, D||To, C||Tucker, DL||Varga, TN||Wechsler, RH||Weller, J||Wester, W||Wilkinson, RD||Collaboration, DES

publication date

  • May 2021