Output Tracking Control Performance of Discrete Networked Systems Over Erasure Channel With Model Uncertainty.
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For networked control systems, it is known that various communication parameters in the channel will pose some fundamental limitations on output tracking control (OTC) performance. In this study, we mainly discuss the limitations resulting from model uncertainties, involving channel and plant. Through using the bivariate stochastic process to model packet loss, and the assumption that channel noise is additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), two explicit expressions of output tracking performance limitations are derived with the single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) and two-degree-of-freedom (TDOF) control structure, which shows that the performance of OTC is closely related to the inherent characteristics of the plant, as well as the packet loss rate and power spectral density (PSD) of AWGN. Finally, by considering an illustrative example, the simulation results are verified and analyzed to ensure the effectiveness of treatment methods and results.