Insights into the local residual entropy of proteins provided by NMR relaxation. uri icon


  • A simple model is used to illustrate the relationship between the dynamics measured by NMR relaxation methods and the local residual entropy of proteins. The expected local dynamic behavior of well-packed extended amino acid side chains are described by employing a one-dimensional vibrator that encapsulates both the spatial and temporal character of the motion. This model is then related to entropy and to the generalized order parameter of the popular "model-free" treatment often used in the analysis of NMR relaxation data. Simulations indicate that order parameters observed for the methyl symmetry axes in, for example, human ubiquitin correspond to significant local entropies. These observations have obvious significance for the issue of the physical basis of protein structure, dynamics, and stability.

published proceedings

  • Protein Sci

altmetric score

  • 3

author list (cited authors)

  • Li, Z., Raychaudhuri, S., & Wand, A. J.

citation count

  • 212

complete list of authors

  • Li, Z||Raychaudhuri, S||Wand, AJ

publication date

  • December 1996
