Impact of Using iPad Tablets in a Construction Communication Graphics Class: Evaluation Based on System Usability Scale uri icon


  • As the construction industry advances technologically, it becomes imperative to introduce the respective information technology tools to present-day curriculum. This research study was conducted to identify any significant differences in student performance contributed by using an information technology tool, specifically the Apple iPad tablet. IPad tablets were used to electronically present construction drawings to a treatment group, and a control group was given traditional paper drawings. Following an instructional lecture, students were given a test based on the provided construction drawings. The test results indicate that there was no significant difference in performance between students who used the information technology tool to complete the test and those who used traditional paper drawings to complete the same test. The treatment group also answered a usability survey, which helped to comprehend how students perceive the tablets usability. Students indicated that they would like to use the tool in the future.

published proceedings

  • Journal of Educational Technology Systems

altmetric score

  • 1

author list (cited authors)

  • Escamilla, E. F., Ostadalimakhmalbaf, M., Pariafsai, F., Ranka, N., Danesh, M., & Alizadeh, M. N.

citation count

  • 6

complete list of authors

  • Escamilla, Edelmiro F||Ostadalimakhmalbaf, Mohammadreza||Pariafsai, Fatemeh||Ranka, Nikhil||Danesh, Mohammadmehdi||Alizadeh, Mohammadhossein Naderi

publication date

  • September 2018