In living cells, a fluctuating torque is exerted on the nuclear surface but the origin of the torque is unclear. In this study, we found that the nuclear rotation angle is directionally persistent on a time scale of tens of minutes, but rotationally diffusive on longer time scales. Rotation required the activity of the microtubule motor dynein. We formulated a model based on microtubules undergoing dynamic instability, with tensional forces between a stationary centrosome and the nuclear surface mediated by dynein. Model simulations suggest that the persistence in rotation angle is due to the transient asymmetric configuration of microtubules exerting a net torque in one direction until the configuration is again randomized by dynamic instability. The model predicts that the rotational magnitude must depend on the distance between the nucleus and the centrosome. To test this prediction, rotation was quantified in patterned cells in which the cell's centrosome was close to the projected nuclear centroid. Consistent with the prediction, the angular displacement was found to decrease in these cells relative to unpatterned cells. This work provides the first mechanistic explanation for how nuclear dynein interactions with discrete microtubules emanating from a stationary centrosome cause rotational torque on the nucleus.